SQL Serer 2012 gives error: "Must declare the scalar variable" even when variable is declared

  • I have below script which runs properly on SQL Server 2005/2008 but gives problem on SQL Server 2012


    CREATE PROC pGetLastKeyValue (@table_name CHAR(50), @CadCatId int OUTPUT )


    set nocount on

    DECLARE @holder int

    DECLARE @errno int

    DECLARE @errmsg varchar(255)


    SELECT @holder = 0 ******* ERROR OCCURS HERE ********

    UPDATE LastKeyUsed


    SET @holder = LastKey = (LastKey + 1)

    WHERE LTRIM(RTRIM(TableName)) = LTRIM(RTRIM(@table_name))

    IF @@ERROR <> 0


    select @errno = 32001,

    @errmsg = '1222 - Failed getting the nextvalue'

    raiserror @errno,10,1, @errmsg



    SELECT @CadCatId = @holder




    @holder is seen to be declared but still gives error as - Must declare the scalar variable "@holder"

  • It looks like you have to add parentheses to your RAISERROR command:

    raiserror( @errno,10,1, @errmsg)

    At least, in my 2012 and 2014 instances it worked.

    -- Gianluca Sartori

  • Issue is resolved... in a bit strange way.

    Problem seemed to be due to permission issue. I was executing a Setup by double clicking on its EXE. This script was coming in picture during installation.

    When I executed same Setup under local Administrator user (by right clicking and selecting 'Run As Administraor') it worked properly without any error.

    Don' know how permissions affected this behavior

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