Get Row value as Column Header

  • Hi,

    I have two tables namely lu_parameter and tbl_param_values. The lu_parameter table consists of param_id and parameter column containing id numbers for the parameter names.

    UIDParam_ID Parameter Param_Threshold

    1P1 Parameter1 NULL

    4P2 Parameter2 NULL

    6P3 Parameter3 NULL

    7P4 Parameter4 NULL

    8P5 Parameter5 NULL

    9P6 Parameter6 NULL

    The tbl_param_values table consists of values corresponding to the parameters with the param_id value as the column header.









    I want to join these two tables so that in the result query instead of param_id value as column heading, I need to have the parameter value as the column heading.

    UIDSiteIDParameter1 Parameter2 Parameter3 Parameter4 Parameter5 Parameter6 Parameter7 Parameter8








    I have attached the screenshot of the data for reference. I am not that much aware of sql queries. Can anyone please help me to achieve this?]

    Thanks for your help..

  • You can probably do that following the examples in Jeff Moden's article.

    I would be nice and work on it, but it's almost 2 AM here... start there and if you get stuck, post your create table definition and insert statements to populate the table with dummy data (similar to the real data, but not necessarily real), and then you should get a tested result.


  • Hi,

    I tried but its not working. Since I have two tables, I am confused on how to pivot them. I have attached the data base scripts as requested by you. The data is already attached in the main forum.

    Can you please help me out?

  • Post what you tried.

    And while you're at it , could you explain how the logic works to generate what you're describing? I have no clue how you got from your two source tables to the final result.

  • Hi,

    Please find my code...

    SELECT pivottable.[Parameter 1], pivottable.[Parameter 2], pivottable.[Parameter 3]



    SELECT Param_ID, Parameter

    from lu_Parameter

    ) as st




    FOR Parameter in ([Parameter 1], [Parameter 2], [Parameter 3])

    ) as pivottable

    I have managed to get the paramter name in the title and parameter id as row. How to join this pivot table with my tbl_param_data table and get data in the format of the one shown in the attached png image?

    Also in this section FOR Parameter in ([Parameter 1], [Parameter 2], [Parameter 3]) i'm passing the values inside in as Parameter 1, Parameter 2, Parameter 3. So i'm predefining the values here. But, these values will not be the same for always. So it has to be dynamic. How to set this as dynamic?

    Please help me to complete this...

  • Try below code, is it what you want?

    DECLARE @HeaderSQL as varchar(4000)

    SET @HeaderSQL = (



    (SELECT ', [' + Param_ID + '] AS [' + Parameter + ']'

    FROM [dbo].[lu_parameter]

    FOR XML PATH('')) , 1,1, ''



    DECLARE @PivotSQL as varchar(4000)

    SET @PivotSQL = 'SELECT [UID], [SITEID] ,' + @HeaderSQL + 'FROM [dbo].[tbl_param_Data]'

    exec (@PivotSQL)

  • Hi Aravind,

    Thanks for your help. I have already Figured this out...

  • Hi Karthik,

    Oh great!. Can you post your solution (code) here?

  • Hi Piet,

    I have created a dynamic pivot, that will create row headers automatically from the table without predefining them.

    My only concern now is joining this pivot table with my tbl_para_data table.

    Can you help me out with that?

  • Hi Aravind,

    Please find the code for dynamic header choosing in Pivot Table


    @query AS NVARCHAR(MAX)

    select @cols = STUFF((SELECT ', ' + Parameter AS [text()]

    from lu_Parameter order by Param_ID

    FOR XML PATH('')

    ), 1, 1, '' )

    set @query = 'SELECT clientid, studyid, ' + @cols + ' from


    SELECT clientid, StudyID, Param_ID, Parameter

    from lu_Parameter p

    ) as st




    FOR Parameter in (' + @cols +')

    ) as pvt'


    select @query

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