sql partiton view

  • hi,

    i build view that contain lat say 10 table, each table contain check constraint on column name origtime

    type datetime , after create the partiton view i build quary to test it so:

    SELECT * FROM partition_view

    WHERE A=5 AND origTIME = '2012-01-01'

    in this case sql engine work perfectly :

    it look of data i looking for of a specific one table from all tables in view.

    the probloem start here :


    SET @NEW_DATA='2012-01-01'

    SELECT * FROM partition_view


    this is the way i plan to search in this table in my procedure in db (it very logic no ? 🙂 )

    after i check it in sql plan the behavior of sql wes strange:

    sql loop over all tables in the partiton view the quaesition is why ? (every table have index so still was fast but this is not the point )

    and how can avoid this?

    thank alot sharon

  • This is because on the first query you have hard coded the date as a constant, then using available table statistics, the optimiser shortcuts the execution plan so that it only looks at the single underlying table.

    However if the date is parameterised then the optimiser doesn't know which date value to use when compiling the execution plan. So the query will need to look through all the tables to ensure that the returned results are correct.

  • thanks you for you your answer

    how can i mark your answer as a good one

    thanks sharon

  • You're welcome.

    These forums don't have a "mark as answer" facility, however ask.sqlservercentral.com does 🙂

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