Pivot and grouping question

  • I posted this on the general thread but this looks like the better forum:

    I have a table with structure Education(edu_id, emp_id, school, year, degree) where an employee can have multiple entries if they have multiple degrees.

    I am trying to do a data extract with the following columns needed: emp_id, school1, degree1, school2, degree2, ..., school5, degree5.

    So this looks like a pivot query. My idea is to create a CTE on the original table to add schooln and degreen on the original table based on the top 5 schools of an employee and then do a pivot. Any elegant idea on how to implement this?



    My solution so far involves 4 CTEs: 1st uses RANK OVER PARTITION to append the pivot column to the table and 3 CTEs for pivots on school, year and degree plus a SELECT that joins all 4 CTEs. Any ideas for a more elegant solution?

  • You really only need one CTE to rank the data, and then in the main query use a combination of aggregate functions and CASE statements to pivot the results into columns.


    Ranked_Data as

    (select emp_id, school, year, degree, position = rank() over (partition by emp_id order by year) from Education)



    school1 = max(case when position = 1 then school end),

    year1 = max(case when position = 1 then year end),

    degree1 = max(case when position = 1 then degree end),

    school2 = max(case when position = 2 then school end),

    year2 = max(case when position = 2 then year end),

    degree2 = max(case when position = 2 then degree end),

    school3 = max(case when position = 3 then school end),

    year3 = max(case when position = 3 then year end),

    degree3 = max(case when position = 3 then degree end),

    school4 = max(case when position = 4 then school end),

    year4 = max(case when position = 4 then year end),

    degree4 = max(case when position = 4 then degree end),

    school5 = max(case when position = 5 then school end),

    year5 = max(case when position = 5 then year end),

    degree5 = max(case when position = 5 then degree end)



    group by


  • Thanks, geoff5! Your solution's much shorter and easier to understand.

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