Subscription getting a Time out error

  • I have a report with 4 subscriptions for emailing the report at 4 different times a day. its data driven running the following script:

    DECLARE @WaitForTime datetime

    DECLARE @StopWaitTime datetime

    DECLARE @WaitIncrement int

    DECLARE @StopIncrement int

    DECLARE @PackageRetVal int

    DECLARE @ReturnValue int

    SET @ReturnValue = 0

    SET @WaitIncrement = 5

    SET @StopIncrement = 90

    SET @WaitForTime = DATEADD(minute, @WaitIncrement, getdate())

    SET @StopWaitTime = DATEADD(minute, @StopIncrement, getdate())

    WHILE (@WaitForTime < @StopWaitTime)


    SELECT top 1 @PackageRetVal = DataCode

    FROM dbo.sysssislog (NOLOCK)

    WHEREsource like 'Import_SQLPlexStaging_Statusmart_DailyApps'

    AND[event] = 'PackageEnd'

    ANDDATEDIFF(mi, StartTime, getdate()) < 90

    ORDER BY ID desc

    IF @PackageRetVal is not null


    IF @PackageRetVal = 0 -- no error

    SET @ReturnValue = 1


    SET @ReturnValue = 0



    IF (getdate() >= @StopWaitTime)


    SET @ReturnValue = 0 -- timed out



    WAITFOR Time @WaitForTime

    SET @WaitForTime = DATEADD(minute, @WaitIncrement, getdate())


    SELECT TodaysDate = getdate()

    SELECT Results = @ReturnValue

    I can set it to execute a minte from my current time for testing and it runs fine and emails the report but when I scheddule it for the time it needs o run I get the following error

    Error: Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding.

    Does anyone know how I can fix it?

  • I figured it out. In my code there is a wait command that occasionally is called. I changed the timeout setting in the subscription to 1200 and it ran fine.

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