dadication and shared connection in sql

  • is there a concept of dadicated connection and shared connection in sql similar to oracle.if yes, how it has to be configured can anybody explain about this.

    Thanks in advance

  • SQL Server does have the notion of a Dedicated Admin Connection (DAC), but I do not think that's quite what you're asking about. I am not sure you can draw a direct parallel because SQL Server treats CPUs as shared resources and they can be leveraged differently across multiple user sessions or even across different requests within the same session depending on the load, i.e. a specific SPID could submit a batch and it might run on CPU0, and then it might send a second batch right after that but that might be run on CPU1 because a request from a different SPID is now being run on CPU0...the SQLOS manages all that.

    What are you trying to do? Or are you just curious?

    There are no special teachers of virtue, because virtue is taught by the whole community.

  • Well I was asked this question by an oracle guy where there is something dedicated and shared connection settings which can be controlled in oracle and I have no Idea about oracle.

    so the question??

  • Tell him there is nothing analogous on SQL Server and not to worry about it. If he is worried about resource allocation within an instance he can look into the Resource Governor and CPU affinity but that is not something most systems need right off the bat, if ever.

    There are no special teachers of virtue, because virtue is taught by the whole community.

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