find out the next top 10 that does not belong to the first top 10

  • Hi,

    I have a data of 100 PostalCodes and parcels associated with it. Each postal code will be having multiple parcels. My aim is to find the count of parcels for the postal codes and display them in a web page by a count of 10 rows.

    I have a problem in displaying the postal codes and its count in sets of 10. The data will be picked based on the count from Higher to Lower postalcodes based on its count.

    The query I used is

    select top 10 postalcode, count(parcels) as Cnt

    from TableParcel

    group by postalcode

    order by Cnt desc

    This code will be displaying the first 10 postalcodes and will be displayed in the web page.

    But I want to find out the next top 10 postal codes that does not belong to the first top 10 postal codes.

    How can I do this?

    Any help is highly appreciated.


  • karthik82.vk (8/31/2014)


    I have a data of 100 PostalCodes and parcels associated with it. Each postal code will be having multiple parcels. My aim is to find the count of parcels for the postal codes and display them in a web page by a count of 10 rows.

    I have a problem in displaying the postal codes and its count in sets of 10. The data will be picked based on the count from Higher to Lower postalcodes based on its count.

    The query I used is

    select top 10 postalcode, count(parcels) as Cnt

    from TableParcel

    group by postalcode

    order by Cnt desc

    This code will be displaying the first 10 postalcodes and will be displayed in the web page.

    But I want to find out the next top 10 postal codes that does not belong to the first top 10 postal codes.

    How can I do this?

    Any help is highly appreciated.


    Quick suggestion, use OFFSET FETCH to page the results.


  • Hi,

    Thanks for your suggestion. OFFSET FETCH Clause supports only 2012 and later. I want to perform this operation in earlier versions of SQL too...

  • If I remember correctly, Itzik Ben-Gan wrote an article on paging result set, both with and without offset fetch, suggest you look at it.


    Edit: added link.

  • Without knowing what "earlier versions" refer to here's a solution using ROW_NUMBER

    select postalcode, count(parcels) as Cnt, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY postalcode ORDER BY count(parcels) DESC ) as Ranking

    from TableParcel

    group by postalcode

    order by Cnt desc

    You could then get the next 10 postalcodes by placingthis query in a CTE and query the cte with WHERE Ranking > 10 and Ranking <=20

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  • Hi Lutz,

    Thanks for your reply.

    When I ran your Query, i'm getting the rank value as 1 for all the values.

    Below is the query that I used.

    With T(PostalCode, Cnt, Ranking) --Column names for Temporary table



    select PostalCode, count(parcels) as Cnt, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY PostalCode ORDER BY count(parcels) DESC ) as Ranking

    from PostTable

    group by PostalCode


    SELECT top 5 * FROM T

    WHERE T.Ranking > 2 and Ranking <=5

  • I'm sorry, my mistake.... (maybe due to the missing table def and sample data...)

    select postalcode, count(parcels) as Cnt, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY count(parcels) DESC ) as Ranking

    from TableParcel

    group by postalcode

    order by Cnt desc

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  • -- similar solution but with page numbers...may give you some ideas

    -- test data

    SELECT TOP 1000000

    CodeID = 1 + CAST(Rand(Checksum(Newid())) * 100 AS INT)

    INTO #CodeData

    FROM sys.all_columns ac1

    CROSS JOIN sys.all_columns ac2

    CROSS JOIN sys.all_columns ac3

    --solution idea

    declare @RPP as INT -- number of rows per page

    set @RPP = 10



    , cnt

    , page_no

    FROM (



    , COUNT(CodeID)AS cnt

    , CEILING((ROW_NUMBER()OVER(ORDER BY COUNT (codeid) DESC) - 1) / @RPP) + 1 AS page_no

    FROM #CodeData


    ) x

    --WHERE page_no = 8

    you can lead a user to data....but you cannot make them think
    and remember....every day is a school day

  • Unless, I missed something in understanding the EXCEP statement,

    Why not simply use something like

    SELECT TOP 20 * FROM PostCode


    SELECT TOP 10 * FROM PostCode

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