Acronyms in Articles

  • Hi Guys

    I know that this site is for you 'dedicated professionals', but an interested amateur (like me) still enjoys reading the articles and learning (for it's own sake) - but I would ask if it is possible to add a glossary style popup to your articles to explain the acronyms. It's not essential, cos they can always be found with a few seconds search, but it would make things just a little easier for us non-pros. 😀

    Just a small text box visible on 'mouse_over' with the breakdown of capitalised acronyms would help.

    Other than that - thanks for many years of supplying me with inspiration and new ways of thinking about how to handle data.

    Kevin S

    "Occasional Application Developer" 🙂

  • Hi Kevin,

    Thanks for the suggestion! It's not a bad idea, but we'd have to think about how we'd go about implementing that on such a large site so that it wouldn't hurt the site's performance. We do try to spell out acronyms the first time they're used in an article, but we certainly don't catch all of them. Maybe a separate page of a glossary of term would be helpful, again we'd need to think about how it would be easily available.

    We will think about what we can do about something like this, and we definitely want beginners to be able to follow articles without too much trouble.

    Thanks again for the suggestion,


    SQLServerCentral Team

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