Select Into Help

  • I have this query which I run off off of one table that is vertical.

    It turns the data horizontal.

    Once I run it I want to be able to insert this data into another existing table with columns of the same name.

    how would I write this? the sql is long I just have shortened it up for here

    Would I use a select into or insert into? and if so how would I write that into this code?

    select icn,

    'ADMIT' = case when MAX(case when [sequence number] = 'a' then [diagnosis code] end) IS null

    then ''

    else MAX(case when [sequence number] = 'a' then [diagnosis code] end)


    ,'Seq 1' = case when MAX(case when [sequence number] = '01' then [diagnosis code] end) IS null

    then ''

    from dx1

    group by icn

  • Just add

    INTO SomeTableName

    right before the FROM clause.

    select icn,

    'ADMIT' = case when MAX(case when [sequence number] = 'a' then [diagnosis code] end) IS null

    then ''

    else MAX(case when [sequence number] = 'a' then [diagnosis code] end)


    ,'Seq 1' = case when MAX(case when [sequence number] = '01' then [diagnosis code] end) IS null

    then ''

    INTO YourTableNameHere

    from dx1

    group by icn

    If the table already exists this will throw an exception. If the table does not exist it will be created.

    I am certain you could make this easier by breaking apart the nested case expressions. I have been trying to unravel the logic in there and I just can't figure out what you trying to do there. I think you could simplify to this??

    select icn,

    MAX(case when [sequence number] = 'a' then ISNULL([diagnosis code], '') end) as Admit

    ,MAX(case when [sequence number] = '01' then ISNULL([diagnosis code], '') end) as [Seq 1]

    from dx1

    group by icn


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  • Sean, you had actually helped me out with the original query in another post,

    I need to transform the data from one table


    ICN|Sequence #|DX CODE

    123| 01 |12345

    123| 02 |456789


    ICN| SEQ 1 |SEQ 2

    123| 12345 |456789

    Once I get it into this format, then I want to insert into another existing table.

    I do this because of the way the data is set up and for another query I Am running

  • and yes I Get the error There is already an object named 'eapgdx' in the database.

    If the table is not created, will it create a temp table or a permanent table?

  • montecarlo2079 (2/24/2014)

    and yes I Get the error There is already an object named 'eapgdx' in the database.

    If the table is not created, will it create a temp table or a permanent table?

    If the table already exists you have to move the INSERT.

    INSERT INTO YourExistingTable (Columns)

    select icn,

    MAX(case when [sequence number] = 'a' then ISNULL([diagnosis code], '') end) as Admit

    ,MAX(case when [sequence number] = '01' then ISNULL([diagnosis code], '') end) as [Seq 1]

    from dx1

    group by icn

    To answer your other question, it would create a table using the name you provided. If you specified the name as a temp table it would create a temp table. If you specified a permanent table...


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