SQL Server for SharePoint IntraNet reading as completely full!

  • I am trying to find out what would load up the sharepoint server. I have not found any log files that are hug or temp files. I am looking for ideas on what to search for.

  • We had an unexpected growth on our SQL Server supporting Sharepoint and this is the basic procedure we followed:-

    1. Use windows explorer to isolate which drive is full. Then identify what is on that drive. Do you have full back up files, transaction log back ups or just general flat files on there which are not being maintained? Has anyone set up a maintenance plan to back up the database to the C drive which means you're keeping 5 copies of the back up file on the C drive? Did anyone helpful leave an installation file on there? Our policy is to only keep the binaries, log and data files on the SQL server so we need to ensure this is being adhered to.

    2. Check the log and tempdb files for unexpected growth. Sounds like you've done this already.

    3. If you can eliminate the top 2 then it's likely it's the data files themselves. If you are running full back ups you can query msdb to get some backup history. Drop it into excel and look for massive data increases which you weren't expecting. This may give you 1 or more site collections that have suddenly grown, use this to go and talk to the users and find out why this is the case.

    4. Check model. Sharepoint admins can create new site collections through the application. In turn this will create a new database using the file sizes on model. If your Sharepoint admins are happily creating many site collections they are assuming are small, but your model has an initial file size which is large, then you end up with lots of databases with a large amount of empty space. This can also be creating databases in full recovery mode without you in turn having jobs to back up the transaction logs. All worth checking.

    As an application Sharepoint is very complex. Once we've eliminated the obvious as DBA's we normally then call in a Sharepoint application consultant who can then check the application in more detail and advise more.

    Hope that helps


  • Thanks Pete. I did finally find one huge log file, well hidden! That freed up a fair amount of space. I did not set up this sharepoint server. It is used only as our Intranet, and being a non-profit, we do not have a true IT dept.to sort this out, so it falls to me.

    When I look at the server, there is no instance of the SSMS. I wanted to see if the database had been set as verbose, causing large log files. Also, with no SSMS, there is no maintenance plan to back up and therefore truncate log files. I actually still have not found the mdb or mdf files. Does Sharepoint name its database something different?

    I am going to load the SSMS and see what I can find.

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