February 10, 2014 at 10:23 pm
Hi all,
I want to save my XML to another database server location.
Is it possible?
Here is the code below that I am using:
declare @xml nvarchar(max)
declare @FilePath nvarchar(255)
declare @FileName nvarchar(255)
set @FilePath = 'C:\temp' -- Location to store the file
set @FileName = 'test.xml' -- This is the XML filename
SET @xml =
SELECT [Key] as 'StrValue',Value as 'Strvalue'
FROM Inbound_LanguageTranslation
WHERE ProcessedFlag = 0
FOR XML RAW('HashCell'), ROOT('Hash'), Elements
EXEC [WriteXMLToFile] @xml, @FilePath, @FileName
Instead of same server location I want to store it to different location. How can I achieve that?
To get quick answer follow this link:
February 11, 2014 at 1:15 am
Here is a link for this: http://blog.sqlauthority.com/2013/09/12/sql-server-automatically-store-results-of-query-to-file-with-sqlcmd/
If you want to do it from t-sql, then you must enable xp_cmdshell and remote access to the server. Also check the "Named pipes" protocol is enabled.
Igor Micev,My blog: www.igormicev.com
February 11, 2014 at 8:43 am
kapil_kk (2/10/2014)
Instead of same server location I want to store it to different location. How can I achieve that?
If I've understood correctly, your code works, to save on the database server....but you want to save somewhere else.
For this I guess you need to create a share or use a UNC path, and grant appropriate permissions on the folder. (But permissions to whom? Your writetofile proc maybe should use EXECUTE AS OWNER so that the user that needs permissions isn't variable.)
Disclaimer: this is an off the cuff response relying exclusively on my failing memory and on zero research. Any or all of the above should be consumed with extreme caution.
February 11, 2014 at 2:49 pm
This should get you what you need. Note my comments...
-- global temp table can be accessed from inside a string
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..##xmlTemp') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE ##xmlTemp;
--declare @xml nvarchar(max)-- You don't need this
declare @FilePath nvarchar(255)
declare @FileName nvarchar(255)
set @FilePath = '\\SERVER\SHAREDFOLDER\'-- Network File Location
set @FileName = 'test.xml'
--build your bcp command
DECLARE @bcpString varchar(1000)=
'bcp "SELECT TOP(1) data FROM ##xmlTemp" QUERYOUT "'+@FilePath+@FileName+'" -c -T';
--cte to create the xml file and store it in
WITH exportData(data) AS
( SELECT vals
FROM (values('value1'),('value2'))t(vals)
FOR XML RAW('HashCell'), ROOT('Hash'), Elements
INTO ##xmlTemp
FROM exportData;
-- save the xml file to your network location (@filePath\@filename)
EXEC master..xp_cmdshell @bcpString;
-- Itzik Ben-Gan 2001
February 12, 2014 at 5:13 am
A CLR Procedure will probably be a cleaner and dare I say more elegant way of doing this but if it must absolutely be TSQL then I guess you're limited to xp_cmdshell.
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