Creating a new Management Data Warehouse and removing the old one

  • When I took on the Role of DBA, i inherited some leftovers from the previous DBA. One such leftover was the fact that MDW was configured. The issue is the fact that the MDW database was stored on the C:\ of my server. Incredibly stupid.

    So I have started running the configuration wizzard and made a new MDW database on the correct drives. But I'm not sure on what to do next. Will the wizard now setup the data collection jobs to point to the new database?

    How do I remove the old database now? When is it safe to do so?


  • Why don't you just query the new MDW-Database and take a look a the timestamp of the latest entries?

    Greetz sql pizza

    Query Shepherd

  • Why create a new database? You could have just detached, copied files and attached again. The MDW collectors would have continued using the same database.

  • Richard Fryar (2/4/2013)

    Why create a new database? You could have just detached, copied files and attached again. The MDW collectors would have continued using the same database.


    Just stop the corresponding collector jobs and deattach, copy and move an reattach!

    Query Shepherd

  • Really? OK, I'll give that a go. Hopefully not too late to point it back to the existing database.

    Thanks! 🙂

  • Well I have successfully detached, moved the database mdf and ldf files and reattached. So far so good. Now to just monitor the data collection tasks and see what happens.

  • First issue:

    The Data collection is failing because it's trying to go to the new database i created and I've set it to single user mode. I have since gone back to the wizard and pointed it back to the original database (on the new drives) but it still tries to go to the new database I created.

    Should I delete the jobs, stop data collection and then try to setup data collection again?

  • Hi Drealith,

    first of all...if you click on the edit-button you can always edit your last posting and don't need to double- or triple post.

    If you chose another Database to log to, you will have change it back to the old DB on the new drive. Logical, isn't it? If you can't do this, then set it up new.


    sql pizza

    Query Shepherd

  • That's the issue. I ran the wizard again and pointed it to the correct database, but the update still tries to connect to the database I created after the original.

    I may try and delete the jobs and then run the wizard again in hopes it recreates them. I'll take a backup first just in case it doesn't.

  • Got it working now?

    Query Shepherd

  • Yes. Can't tell the exact steps that made it work but I got it working. It now points to the correct database on the new server. Nice to know that I can simply detach and reattach in the future if need be.

    Thanks for everyone's suggestions.

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