How to Query Analysis Service Properties

  • Hi,

    Anyone knows a way to query the properties of an Analysis Service instance? I am trying to return the configured location of the backup files in SSAS. I tried to use the following query, but it keeps returning the values from the database engine. The "OLAPServer" was a guess, and I tried many different guessed names but couldn't make it work. Is there a way to find the return this by reading the registry or using MDX or T-SQL?

    declare @HkeyLocal nvarchar(18)

    declare @MSSqlServerRegPath nvarchar(31)

    declare @InstanceRegPath sysname

    declare @SetupRegPath sysname

    declare @RegPathParams sysname

    select @HkeyLocal=N'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE'

    -- Instance-based paths

    select @MSSqlServerRegPath=N'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\OLAPServer'

    select @InstanceRegPath=@MSSqlServerRegPath + N'\MSSQLServer'

    select @SetupRegPath=@MSSqlServerRegPath + N'\Setup'

    select @RegPathParams=@InstanceRegPath+'\Parameters'

    declare @SmoDefaultLog nvarchar(512)

    --exec master.dbo.xp_instance_regread @HkeyLocal, @InstanceRegPath, N'DefaultLog', @SmoDefaultLog OUTPUT

    exec master.dbo.xp_instance_regread @HkeyLocal,@SetupRegPath, N'SQLPath', @SmoDefaultLog OUTPUT

    PRINT @SmoDefaultLog

    Thanks you!

  • I found the answer. This works::-D

    EXEC xp_regread 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE','SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\MSAS10_50.MSSQLSERVER\SETUP','SQLPath'


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