Multi-valued parameter with In clause in SP

  • Dear all:

    I have a question about how to configure the multi-valued parameter.

    Here's a sample query:

    Create Proc sp_city

    @CityID varcha(100)



    select City_name

    Where City_ID in (@CityID)



    In SSRS my report will call this SP and the parameter @CityID will be automtically generated

    Right click on @CityID and click on 'allow multiple value' and I want the parameter to act as an user_input parameter so no default value or available value will be defined.

    Then I hit preview report the @CityID will show up, in the field I type in 12 then one record will be retrieved and displayed. If I input multiple-values as comma-separated value: 12,14,18 and view the report again nothing was shown not even error msg.

    I did some googling and someone suggested to change the SP as following:

    Create Proc sp_city

    @CityID varcha(100)



    select City_name

    Where City_ID in (select * from dbo.Split(@CityID))



    But in SSRS it throws an error saying that invalid object dbo.Split(@CityID)

    Could you please let me know what is the right way to configure this type of the multi-valued parameter?

    Thank you so much!

  • dbo.Split is not a built in function. They're referencing building a function to do that, such as the following:

    What you basically do is turn the comma delimited string into a temp table, and join against it as your IN clause. I typically write these as:






    splitter(@parameter) AS s

    ON table.field = s.field

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  • Thank you so much for pointing it out! Craig

    I'll try and let you know!

    BTW I like your motto too!

  • For everyone else's info.

    Here's my whole solution:

    CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[FnSplit]

    (@List nvarchar(2000),@SplitOn nvarchar(5))

    RETURNS @RtnValue table

    (Id int identity(1,1),Value nvarchar(100))



    While (Charindex(@SplitOn,@List)>0)


    Insert Into @RtnValue (value)

    Select Value = ltrim(rtrim(Substring(@List,1,Charindex(@SplitOn,@List)-1)))

    Set @List = Substring(@List,Charindex(@SplitOn,@List)+len(@SplitOn),len(@List))


    Insert Into @RtnValue (Value)

    Select Value = ltrim(rtrim(@List))




    Select city

    from Table

    where ctiyID in (select value from dbo.Fnsplit(@CityId,','))

  • I assume that you didn't read the article proposed by Craig. Read it and find out a way to improve the performance.

    Luis C.
    General Disclaimer:
    Are you seriously taking the advice and code from someone from the internet without testing it? Do you at least understand it? Or can it easily kill your server?

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  • Thank you for the reminder Luis!

    Will do so now!

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