How do I select all or multiple rows from a typed xml variable?

  • I am using xml schema that is like this:







    If my variable contains following xml document as un-typed xml















    then I can use following query to select all the rows:

    SELECTx.MonthNumber, x.Amount

    FROMOPENXML(@hDoc, '/DetailRows/DetailRow', 1)

    WITH(MonthNumber int 'MonthNumber', Amount decimal(10,2) 'Amount'

    ) x

    However, if I use a typed xml variable that is based on above schema, I cannot use OPENXML. What is the correct way of achieving same result with a typed xml doc?

    I am using SS2K5.


  • This should work on 2K5

    DECLARE @XML XML = N'<DetailRows>















    DT.NO.value('MonthNumber[1]','INT') AS MonthNumber

    ,DT.NO.value('Amount[1]','DECIMAL(18,5)') AS Amount


    FROM @XML.nodes('DetailRows/DetailRow') AS DT(NO)


    MonthNumber Amount

    ----------- -------------

    1 1000.00000

    11 300.00000

    5 5000.00000


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