How to get alter index statement from select statement

  • Hi guys i want to get alter index statement from my select

    In order to do thAT I have this,

    select 'ALTER INDEX '+name+ ' ON'+' rebuild' from sys.indexes

    where object_id = (select object_id from sys.objects where name = 'TABLE_NAME')


    name is not null

    the output is

    ALTER INDEX index_name ON rebuild


    ALTER INDEX index_name ON TABLE_NAME rebuild

    I'm missing the table name part. I tried to use INFORMATION_SCHEMA.columns.TABLE_NAME but it did not work since it produces 3 index statements (because i have three tables). Any suggestions ?

    Thanks in advance ....

  • Here is one way of doing it:

    select 'alter index [' + + '] on [' + schema_name(so.schema_id) + '].[' + + '] rebuild with (online = on)'

    from sys.indexes si inner join sys.objects so on si.object_id = so.object_id

    where si.object_id = object_id('TableName')


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  • Thanks a lot by the way i guess this is also working

    select 'ALTER INDEX ' ' ON '' rebuild' from sys.indexes,sys.tables

    where sys.indexes.object_id=sys.tables.object_id

    and is not null

  • Akayisi (1/7/2014)

    Thanks a lot by the way i guess this is also working

    select 'ALTER INDEX ' ' ON '' rebuild' from sys.indexes,sys.tables

    where sys.indexes.object_id=sys.tables.object_id

    and is not null

    This can work as long as you don't have more then 1 schema. Also this will create a script for all indexes on all the tables and not just one table as you asked in the original post.


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