Blog Post

Win a Free SQLRally Admission!


NTSSUGv6_1As those of you in our local North Texas SQL Server User Group are aware, we have given away one free 2-day pass to SQL Rally during each of the past two user group meetings.  Unfortunately, a schedule conflict has forced one of the winners to withdraw from the event.

However, someone else’s loss can be your gain.  Tomorrow afternoon, we will be giving away a free, 2-day pass to SQL Rally!  We’re going to be soliciting entries into a drawing that will be held just after noon tomorrow, and the winner will be announced immediately thereafter.

The Rules

Of course, there are always rules.  Fortunately, there are only a few of them:

  • To be eligible, you must have not yet registered for the 2-day SQL Rally conference.  (If you’ve registered just for the precon(s) but not the 2-day event, you can still enter to win).
  • You MUST be able to attend SQL Rally in Dallas next Thursday and Friday, May 10-11.  Please don’t submit if you can’t make it to both days of the event.
  • You’ll be responsible for your own travel and lodging costs (if any).  This giveaway is only for entry into the 2-day SQL Rally.
  • This prize is nontransferable.

How to enter

Sound good?  If so, send an email to the address and include the following information in the body of your email:

  • Your full name
  • Preferred email address
  • Telephone number

The deadline is tomorrow at noon.  Shortly thereafter we will print all of the names on paper and draw one lucky winner.  The winner will be contacted directly and announced via the NTSSUG distribution list.

This giveaway is sponsored by the North Texas SQL Server User Group, a group of SQL Server professionals who meet regularly for education and networking.  If you’re in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area and are interested in getting engaged with the local SQL Server community, check us out.

May the odds be ever in your favor!


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