msdb.dbo.sysjobhistory Linking

  • Hey all,

    I am querying the msdb.dbo.sysjobhistory. Some of the jobs have multiple steps and run hourly.

    I cant see any entry on this for a run_id or similar? Am i missing something or can you not group these entries into scheduled runs?


  • Have you tried joining on the sysjobs and sysjobschedules tables (on job_id)

  • Yes, but that just gives you details of the jobs and the steps the job should take. How to then make it know that 5 steps that were run 2 hours ago were separate from the same 5 steps 10 minutes ago - i am not sure?

  • I have this script for SQL 2005 try this out

    SELECT job.Name,

    case job.description when 'No description available.' then '' else job.description end,


    case his.run_status when 0 then 'Failed' Else 'Success' end 'Status',

    convert(varchar,convert(datetime,cast(his.run_date as varchar),106),106) 'Run Date',

    case len(run_time) when 6 then SUBSTRING(convert(varchar,run_time),1,2) + ':' + SUBSTRING(convert(varchar,run_time),3,2) + ':' + SUBSTRING(convert(varchar,run_time),5,2)

    when 5 then SUBSTRING(convert(varchar,run_time),1,1) + ':' + SUBSTRING(convert(varchar,run_time),2,2) + ':' + SUBSTRING(convert(varchar,run_time),4,2)

    when 3 then '12' + ':0' + SUBSTRING(convert(varchar,run_time),1,1) + ':' + SUBSTRING(convert(varchar,run_time),2,2)

    when 1 then '12:00:00'

    else convert(varchar,run_time)

    End 'Run Time',


    case when his.sql_message_id <> 0 and his.sql_message_id <> 8153then his.message else '' end 'Message'

    from msdb.dbo.SysJobs job,

    msdb.dbo.SysJobSteps step,

    msdb.dbo.SysJobHistory His

    where job.enabled = 1

    and job.job_id = step.job_id

    and job.job_id = His.job_id

    and step.step_id = His.step_id

    and his.run_date = ( select top 1 his1.run_date from msdb.dbo.SysJobHistory his1

    where his1.job_id = His.job_id

    and step.step_id = His1.step_id

    order by 1 desc


    and his.run_time = ( select top 1 his2.run_time from msdb.dbo.SysJobHistory his2

    where his2.job_id = His.job_id

    and his2.run_date = his.run_date

    and step.step_id = His2.step_id

    order by 1 desc


    and job.description not like 'This job is owned by a report server process%'

    --and his.run_status = 0

    order by his.run_status, job.Name, His.step_id

    Durai Nagarajan

  • Each step has a unique id. Combine that with the run_time and you should have a unique running instance

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