backupset question

  • Is there a way to differentiate between a backup and a restore in the backupset?


  • Only backups are listed int he backupset table. Restores are tracked in the restorehistory table.

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  • I believe that restores are indeed recorded in to the backupset table.

    A good blog on this is

    Backupset it seems, simply holds the details of a backup whether it was a backup taken on that instance or a backup restored on that instance. You may have the case where you do a backup on that instance and then restore the same backup which will mean there is only one row for that backup in the backup set.

    Or if you did a backup on another instanceand then restored to your current instance, you will find the restore creates a row in the backupset table with the details of the backupfile.

    If it were me...

    To list backups taken on an instance, I would query the backupset table where server_name = @@SERVERNAME

    To list restores done on that instance, I would query the backup set table and join to the restorehistory table on backup_set_id

    Hope that helps. Someone may have a better/clearer answer for you.

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