Blog Post

OPASS April Meeting Recap


Last Thursday I had the pleasure of speaking in Orlando, FL at the OPASS monthly meeting.  I spoke on Extending SSRS with Custom Code and you can find the presentation material here.

What I’d really like to share with you about the event is what a fantastic group this is.  They really know how to welcome new people and serve out some amazing food too!  OPASS meets the third Thursday every month at an amazing location called Route 46.  Here’s the address:

Route 46

4316 SR 46

Sanford, FL

Here’s just a few pictures from the even courtesy of Karla Landrum (@karlakay22).  These are the winners of some “Prag Swag” I brought.


Brook Ranne (@babblingbrook01) the big winner of a Pragmatic Works Virtual Training course.


Find out more about this group at  The next meeting will be presented by Rodney Landrum (@SQLBeat) May 18, 2012 on CSI – Taking a Stab at Column Stored Indexes.


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