Reports Based Off Stored Proc, Multivalue Parameters

  • Greetings all. Need some assistance here on deal with reports using stored procs. I've created tons of reports based off Views and when creating a parameter, I have no issues using IN with a view.

    However, I'm assuming that stored procs dont like the IN unless I'm using it wrong.

    So I have my stored proc created along with my report. In the report, I create a new data set that will populate the parameter so there's a drop-downlist.

    When I run the report, it doesnt like it when I select multiple items. If I select one, it works fine.

    I researched pretty much all day friday to find a solution and one that I found was to use =JOIN(Parameters!Name.Value, ",") in the tablix in the parameters section. Well this didnt work for me.

    Anyone have a suggestion?


  • You're close. The parameters (when multiple are chosen) are passed to your procedure as a comma delimited list. You will need to split those out into a table of values (in your procedure). ** Search this site for a split function ** There are many types and styles, just find the one you like and go with it.

    Then you will join that table list of values to your queries where the parameter needs used.

    I hope this helps!


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