can't select many values in filter

  • hi all

    i did a parameter and its coresponding filter of shop in a report then when i put just one value in filter it shows data to me but when i choose many it gives me this message error

    and i can't put many values in the shop filter in one time i should put value by value 🙁

    this snapshot shows how i enter values

    thanks a lot for any help

  • I assume this parameter is used somewhere else?

    If you use it in a query, make sure the query can handle it.

    SQL Server Reporting Services Using Multi-value Parameters[/url]

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  • Probably you have a problem with the filter in Dataset. You have to use "In" instead "=".

  • Yep, you need to check your query:




    AND (Shop.ShopAddressID IN (@ShopID)



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