Calculate number of records for each range of values

  • I have a table where I need to calculate number of records for each range of values. My table is much larger, but here I bring very simplified example.

    I have a table with an integer column which I populate with random values from 1 to 100:


    DROP TABLE dbo.t1



    (c1 int)



    INSERT INTO dbo.t1


    go 100

    I need to find number of records for range between 1 to 10, another one 11-20, and so on...

    I wrote dynamic script in a loop which produces this code:

    SELECT range_begin = 1, range_end = 10, recs = COUNT(*) FROM dbo.t1 WHERE c1 BETWEEN 1 AND 10 UNION ALL

    SELECT range_begin = 11, range_end = 20, recs = COUNT(*) FROM dbo.t1 WHERE c1 BETWEEN 11 AND 20 UNION ALL

    SELECT range_begin = 21, range_end = 30, recs = COUNT(*) FROM dbo.t1 WHERE c1 BETWEEN 21 AND 30 UNION ALL

    SELECT range_begin = 31, range_end = 40, recs = COUNT(*) FROM dbo.t1 WHERE c1 BETWEEN 31 AND 40 UNION ALL

    SELECT range_begin = 41, range_end = 50, recs = COUNT(*) FROM dbo.t1 WHERE c1 BETWEEN 41 AND 50 UNION ALL

    SELECT range_begin = 51, range_end = 60, recs = COUNT(*) FROM dbo.t1 WHERE c1 BETWEEN 51 AND 60 UNION ALL

    SELECT range_begin = 61, range_end = 70, recs = COUNT(*) FROM dbo.t1 WHERE c1 BETWEEN 61 AND 70 UNION ALL

    SELECT range_begin = 71, range_end = 80, recs = COUNT(*) FROM dbo.t1 WHERE c1 BETWEEN 71 AND 80 UNION ALL

    SELECT range_begin = 81, range_end = 90, recs = COUNT(*) FROM dbo.t1 WHERE c1 BETWEEN 81 AND 90 UNION ALL

    SELECT range_begin = 91, range_end = 100, recs = COUNT(*) FROM dbo.t1 WHERE c1 BETWEEN 91 AND 100

    After its execution I get a result set somethinbg like that:

    range_begin range_end recs

    ----------- ----------- -----------

    1 10 10

    11 20 13

    21 30 8

    31 40 18

    41 50 9

    51 60 5

    61 70 9

    71 80 11

    81 90 9

    91 100 7

    But my goal is to create a set-based solution, and this is what I am asking forum for help.

    First, the code will be much neater, and it will not have mutiple table scans (again, in my actual case, the table is much larger).

  • Just create a table (either permanent or on-the-fly) with the range limits in, and join it to your data to get the row counts.


  • This may be what you are looking for




    CREATE TABLE #Sample


    Id INT


    Insert into #Sample




    Get the ranges



    (10*(Id/10))+1 AS RangeStart

    ,(10*(Id/10))+10 AS RangeEnd

    ,COUNT(*)AS Recs



    Group By


    This really only works if the bandings are evenly distributed, if you have uneven bands setting up a banding table may be the optimal solution.

    SSC Guide to Posting and Best Practices

  • Thanks Jason. This works well, my bandings are evenly distributed. This is exactly what I expected.

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