wiered - Self Referential Key

  • All,

    I have recently faced the below scenario.

    create table fk_test


    eno int primary key,

    fno int


    alter table fk_test

    alter table fk_test

    add constraint fk_test1 foreign key ( fno )

    references fk_test ( eno )

    insert into fk_test

    select 1,5


    select 5,1

    delete from fk_test

    where eno

    in ( select eno from fk_test

    where fno = 5 )

    delete from fk_test

    where fno = 5

    delete from fk_test

    where fno = 1

    My requirement is to delete the eno '5' from the table.

    I just tried all the combinations.

    delete from fk_test

    where eno

    in ( select eno from fk_test

    where fno = 5 )

    delete from fk_test

    where fno = 5

    delete from fk_test

    where fno = 1

    But No Luck...

    Note I don't want to disable foreign key for this deletion.

    is it possible? "No" ..is the answer..it is a kind of cyclic situation..although i just wanted to know is there any corner to reach this... 🙂


  • You just have to remove the FK relationship which is preventing the deletion first:

    update fk_test

    set fno = null where fno = 5

    delete fk_test where eno = 5

    select * from fk_test

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  • You can do this in a single statement using MERGE

    MERGE fk_test AS target

    USING (SELECT 5) AS source(eno)

    ON (source.eno IN (target.eno,target.fno))

    WHEN MATCHED AND source.eno = target.eno THEN


    WHEN MATCHED AND source.eno = target.fno THEN

    UPDATE SET fno = NULL;


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  • I want to achieve this without disabling FK.

    is there any other way to do this?

    Phil method looks ok.

    Beside this, is it a good practice to design a table with self-referential integrity?

    What is the alternate way to design the same table to achive this requirement?


  • karthik M (11/29/2012)

    I want to achieve this without disabling FK.

    is there any other way to do this?

    Phil method looks ok.

    Beside this, is it a good practice to design a table with self-referential integrity?

    What is the alternate way to design the same table to achive this requirement?

    Phil's methodology is the best way to execute deletes.

    Furthermore, I don't think there is any issue with designing a table with self-refrential constraint. Take the example of emplyee: employee at the same time can be an employee and a manager both. This is implemented by slef-ref constraint on employee table.

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