How to export XML query results to a file using Sql Server 2008 R2 From Management Studio

  • Hi All,

    I need to dump the XML query results into a file using the stored procedure below without using BCP.

    Your help would be appreciated.

    Here's the script I'm using:




    DECLARE @XML Nvarchar(max)

    /* GRADUATES */

    SET @XML = '<DataExtract>'

    SET @XML = @XML + (SELECT Top 5

    pe.candIdas [Id],

    ISNULL(FirstName + ' '+ LastName, '')as [Name],

    ISNULL(PreferedName, '')as [PreferredName],

    ISNULL(pe.IDNumber, '')as [IdPassportNumber],

    ISNULL(CONVERT(varchar(10), pe.dteDateOfBirth, 120), '')as [DateOfBirth],

    ISNULL(pe.Mobile, '')as [CellNumber],

    ISNULL(pe.EMail, '')as [Email],

    ISNULL(pe.AltEmail, '')as [AltEmail],

    (SELECT ISNULL(AltContactName, '')as [Name],

    ISNULL(AltContactPhone, '')as [Phone]

    FROM [CandPersonal]

    WHERE candId = pe.CandId

    FOR XML PATH, TYPE )as 'AlternateContactPerson',

    ''as [PreferredContactMethod], --??

    Case When isWorkPermit = 1 Then 'True' Else 'False' Endas [RequiresWorkPermit],

    ISNULL(rg.GenderName, '')as [Gender],

    ISNULL(eo.EthnicName, '')as [Ethnicity],

    ISNULL(n.NationalityName, '')as [Citizenship],

    Case When ceo.hasDisability = 1 Then 'True' Else 'False' Endas [HasDisability],

    ISNULL(ceo.DisabilityDetail, '')as [DisabilityDetail],

    Case When pe.bitHasConviction = 1 Then 'True' Else 'False' Endas [HasCriminalConvictions],

    ISNULL(pe.nvcConvictionDetails, '')as [CriminalConvictions],

    ISNULL(pe.intPreferedAddress, '')as [PreferredAddress], --??

    ISNULL(CONVERT(varchar(10), pr.RegisterDate, 120), '')as [RegistrationDate],


    ISNULL(CurrentAddressStreet, '')as [Street],

    ISNULL(CurrentAddressCity, '')as [City],

    ISNULL(CurrentAddressProvince, '')as [Province],

    ISNULL(CurrentAddressPostcode, '')as [Postcode],

    ISNULL(CurrentAddressCountryId, '')as [Country],

    ISNULL(CurrentAddressPhone, '')as [Phone]

    FROM [CandPersonal] WHERE CandId = pe.CandId

    FOR XML PATH, TYPE )as 'CurrentPostalAddress',


    ISNULL(HomeAddressStreet, '')as [Street],

    ISNULL(HomeAddressCity, '')as [City],

    ISNULL(HomeAddressProvince, '')as [Province],

    ISNULL(HomeAddressPostcode, '')as [Postcode],

    ISNULL(HomeAddressCountryId, '')as [Country],

    ISNULL(HomeAddressPhone, '')as [Phone]

    FROM [CandPersonal]

    WHERE CandId = pe.candId

    FOR XML PATH, TYPE )as 'HomePostalAddress',

    ISNULL(cpl.LocationName, '')as [PreferredOfficeLocation], --??

    ''as [PreferredJobType], --??

    ''as [HighestQualification], --??


    ISNULL(vchSchoolName, '')as [SchoolName],

    ISNULL(vchCity, '')as [City],

    ISNULL(ea.EducationalAuthorityName, '') as [EducationAuthority],

    ISNULL(intGrade12Status, '')as [Grade12Status] --??

    FROM [CandSecondaryEducation] ce

    Inner Join refEducationalAuthority ea on ce.intEducationalAuthority = ea.EducationalAuthorityId

    WHERE ce.CandId = pe.CandId FOR XML PATH, TYPE )as 'SecondaryEducation',


    ISNULL(nvcInstitution, '')as [TertiaryInstitution],

    ISNULL(nvcQualification, '')as [TertiaryQualification],

    ISNULL(nvcName, '')as [FieldOfStudy],

    ISNULL(vchCompletionYear, '')as [CompletionYear]

    FROM CandQualification cq

    Left Join refFieldOfStudy fos on cq.intFieldOfStudy = fos.intFieldOfStudyID

    WHERE cq.intCandidateID = pe.CandId FOR XML PATH, TYPE )as 'TertiaryEducation',

    ISNULL(pe.intHomeLanguage, '')as [HomeLanguage],--??

    (SELECT ISNULL(EmployerName, '')as [Employer],

    ISNULL(NatureOfBusiness, '')as [NatureOfBusiness],

    ISNULL(CONVERT(varchar(10), FromDate, 120), '')as [From],

    ISNULL(CONVERT(varchar(10), ToDate, 120), '')as [To],

    ISNULL(PositionHeld, '')as [Position],

    ISNULL(DutiesSummary, '')as [Duties]

    FROM CandEmployHistory ce

    WHERE ce.CandId = pe.CandId

    FOR XML PATH, TYPE )as 'WorkExperisnce'

    FROM [dbo].[CandPersonal] pe

    Inner Join CandProfile pr on pe.CandId = pr.Id

    Left Join CandEqualOpps ceo on pe.CandId = ceo.CandId

    Left Join refGender rg ON rg.GenderId = ceo.GenderId

    Left Join refEthnicOrigin eo on ceo.EthnicOriginId = eo.EthnicOriginId

    Left Join refNationality n on ceo.NationalityId = n.NationalityId

    Left Join CandPrefLocation cpl on pe.CandId = cpl.CandId

    WHERE pr.isGraduateApplicant = 1

    --And pe.CandId IN ('475', '476', '477')

    FOR XML PATH('Candidate'), ROOT('Graduates'))


    SET @XML = @XML + (SELECT Top 5

    pe.candIdas [Id],

    ISNULL(FirstName + ' '+ LastName, '')as [Name],

    ISNULL(PreferedName, '')as [PreferredName],

    ISNULL(pe.IDNumber, '')as [IdPassportNumber],

    ISNULL(CONVERT(varchar(10), pe.dteDateOfBirth, 120), '')as [DateOfBirth],

    ISNULL(pe.Mobile, '')as [CellNumber],

    ISNULL(pe.EMail, '')as [Email],

    ISNULL(pe.AltEmail, '')as [AltEmail],

    (SELECT ISNULL(AltContactName, '')as [Name],

    ISNULL(AltContactPhone, '')as [Phone]

    FROM [CandPersonal]

    WHERE candId = pe.CandId

    FOR XML PATH, TYPE )as 'AlternateContactPerson',

    ''as [PreferredContactMethod], --??

    Case When isWorkPermit = 1 Then 'True' Else 'False' Endas [RequiresWorkPermit],

    ISNULL(rg.GenderName, '')as [Gender],

    ISNULL(eo.EthnicName, '')as [Ethnicity],

    ISNULL(n.NationalityName, '')as [Citizenship],

    Case When ceo.hasDisability = 1 Then 'True' Else 'False' Endas [HasDisability],

    ISNULL(ceo.DisabilityDetail, '')as [DisabilityDetail],

    Case When pe.bitHasConviction = 1 Then 'True' Else 'False' Endas [HasCriminalConvictions],

    ISNULL(pe.nvcConvictionDetails, '')as [CriminalConvictions],

    ISNULL(pe.intPreferedAddress, '')as [PreferredAddress], --??

    ISNULL(CONVERT(varchar(10), pr.RegisterDate, 120), '')as [RegistrationDate],


    ISNULL(CurrentAddressStreet, '')as [Street],

    ISNULL(CurrentAddressCity, '')as [City],

    ISNULL(CurrentAddressProvince, '')as [Province],

    ISNULL(CurrentAddressPostcode, '')as [Postcode],

    ISNULL(CurrentAddressCountryId, '')as [Country],

    ISNULL(CurrentAddressPhone, '')as [Phone]

    FROM [CandPersonal] WHERE CandId = pe.CandId

    FOR XML PATH, TYPE )as 'CurrentPostalAddress',


    ISNULL(HomeAddressStreet, '')as [Street],

    ISNULL(HomeAddressCity, '')as [City],

    ISNULL(HomeAddressProvince, '')as [Province],

    ISNULL(HomeAddressPostcode, '')as [Postcode],

    ISNULL(HomeAddressCountryId, '') as [Country],

    ISNULL(HomeAddressPhone, '') as [Phone]

    FROM [CandPersonal]

    WHERE CandId = pe.candId

    FOR XML PATH, TYPE )as 'HomePostalAddress',

    ISNULL(cpl.LocationName, '')as [PreferredOfficeLocation], --??

    ''as [PreferredJobType], --??

    ''as [HighestQualification], --??


    ISNULL(vchSchoolName, '')as [SchoolName],

    ISNULL(vchCity, '')as [City],

    ISNULL(ea.EducationalAuthorityName, '') as [EducationAuthority],

    ISNULL(intGrade12Status, '')as [Grade12Status] --??

    FROM [CandSecondaryEducation] ce

    Inner Join refEducationalAuthority ea on ce.intEducationalAuthority = ea.EducationalAuthorityId

    WHERE ce.CandId = pe.CandId

    FOR XML PATH, TYPE )as 'SecondaryEducation',


    ISNULL(nvcInstitution, '')as [TertiaryInstitution],

    ISNULL(nvcQualification, '')as [TertiaryQualification],

    ISNULL(nvcName, '')as [FieldOfStudy],

    ISNULL(vchCompletionYear, '')as [CompletionYear]

    FROM CandQualification cq

    Left Join refFieldOfStudy fos on cq.intFieldOfStudy = fos.intFieldOfStudyID

    WHERE cq.intCandidateID = pe.CandId

    FOR XML PATH, TYPE )as 'TertiaryEducation',

    ISNULL(pe.intHomeLanguage, '')as [HomeLanguage],--??

    (SELECT ISNULL(EmployerName, '')as [Employer],

    ISNULL(NatureOfBusiness, '')as [NatureOfBusiness],

    ISNULL(CONVERT(varchar(10), FromDate, 120), '')as [From],

    ISNULL(CONVERT(varchar(10), ToDate, 120), '')as [To],

    ISNULL(PositionHeld, '')as [Position],

    ISNULL(DutiesSummary, '') as [Duties]

    FROM CandEmployHistory ce

    WHERE ce.CandId = pe.CandId

    FOR XML PATH, TYPE )as 'WorkExperisnce'

    FROM [dbo].[CandPersonal] pe

    Inner Join CandProfile pr on pe.CandId = pr.Id

    Left Join CandEqualOpps ceo on pe.CandId = ceo.CandId

    Left Join refGender rg ON rg.GenderId = ceo.GenderId

    Left Join refEthnicOrigin eo on ceo.EthnicOriginId = eo.EthnicOriginId

    Left Join refNationality n on ceo.NationalityId = n.NationalityId

    Left Join CandPrefLocation cpl on pe.CandId = cpl.CandId

    WHERE pr.isGraduateApplicant = 0

    --And pe.CandId IN ('1459', '1756', '5103')

    FOR XML PATH('Candidate'), ROOT('ExperiencedHires'))

    SET @XML = @XML + '</DataExtract>'





  • What's wrong with bcp? It's probably the most efficient method to create the XML file.

    An alternative is to use SSIS and the export column component in the dataflow.

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  • I'd like to do it with the script as the stored proc wold be called from the application.

  • Then bcp would be ideal.

    Or if you want to complicate things, you could use OLE Automation:

    Create File from T-SQL Using OLE Automation[/url]

    OLE Automation Stored Procedures

    Need an answer? No, you need a question
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    MCSE Business Intelligence - Microsoft Data Platform MVP

  • Please show me the BCP example as well.


  • Here you go:

    Need an answer? No, you need a question
    My blog at
    MCSE Business Intelligence - Microsoft Data Platform MVP

  • Thank you 🙂

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