What is wrong with my sql, need to dedup by execOrder

  • Hi, all

    I can't understand why my code does't work, I want to leave only one entry with min Exec order, I thought that it should filter out with my max(ExecOrder) selection but nothing works,

    without last line it brings 2 rows, with last zero. I need one row for give time period and min ExecOrder= 2.

    declare @dd date = '2013-4-4'

    ;with PL as ( -- Policy List

    select 1000 PolicyID, '2011-1-1' DateFrom, '2010-12-12' DateTo, 'Cust01' CustID union

    select 2000 PolicyID, '2013-2-2' DateFrom, '2013-5-5' DateTo, 'Cust01' CustID union

    select 3000 PolicyID, '2013-3-3' DateFrom, '2013-12-12' DateTo, 'Cust01' CustID ),

    EO as ( -- Policy Exec Order

    select 1000 PolicyID, 1 ExecOrder, 'Cust01' CustID union

    select 2000 PolicyID, 2 ExecOrder, 'Cust01' CustID union

    select 3000 PolicyID, 3 ExecOrder, 'Cust01' CustID )

    select pl.PolicyID


    ,eo.ExecOrder -- ,pl.DateFrom, pl.DateTo

    from PL

    join EO ON EO.PolicyId = PL.PolicyID

    where @dd between pl.DateFrom and pl.DateTo

    -- and eo.ExecOrder = (select min(ExecOrder) from EO EO2 where eo2.custId = eo.custId)

    --EO2.PolicyID = EO.PolicyID)



  • It doesn't work without the subquery because you have nothing to give the min

    It doesn't work with the subquery because you take the min exec order over cust_id regardless of date, which is 1, which is out of the date range thanks to policy join.

    You can fix this by making your subquery select both tables with a date range:

    declare @dd date = '2013-4-4'

    ;with PL as ( -- Policy List

    select 1000 PolicyID, '2011-1-1' DateFrom, '2010-12-12' DateTo, 'Cust01' CustID union

    select 2000 PolicyID, '2013-2-2' DateFrom, '2013-5-5' DateTo, 'Cust01' CustID union

    select 3000 PolicyID, '2013-3-3' DateFrom, '2013-12-12' DateTo, 'Cust01' CustID ),

    EO as ( -- Policy Exec Order

    select 1000 PolicyID, 1 ExecOrder, 'Cust01' CustID union

    select 2000 PolicyID, 2 ExecOrder, 'Cust01' CustID union

    select 3000 PolicyID, 3 ExecOrder, 'Cust01' CustID )

    select eo.PolicyID



    from EO

    where eo.ExecOrder = (select min(ExecOrder) from EO EO2

    JOIN PL ON PL.PolicyID = EO2.PolicyID

    WHERE eo2.custId = eo.custId

    AND @dd BETWEEN PL.DateFrom AND PL.DateTo)

    I took out PL from outer query as you did not need it for your uncommented select list, but it can go back in if you need it (just keep alias different from subquery, and only correlate on custid)

    Or a slightly more elegant and potentially faster solution:

    declare @dd date = '2013-4-4'

    ;with PL as ( -- Policy List

    select 1000 PolicyID, '2011-1-1' DateFrom, '2010-12-12' DateTo, 'Cust01' CustID union

    select 2000 PolicyID, '2013-2-2' DateFrom, '2013-5-5' DateTo, 'Cust01' CustID union

    select 3000 PolicyID, '2013-3-3' DateFrom, '2013-12-12' DateTo, 'Cust01' CustID ),

    EO as ( -- Policy Exec Order

    select 1000 PolicyID, 1 ExecOrder, 'Cust01' CustID union

    select 2000 PolicyID, 2 ExecOrder, 'Cust01' CustID union

    select 3000 PolicyID, 3 ExecOrder, 'Cust01' CustID )

    , cte AS (







    ON PL.PolicyID = EO.PolicyID

    WHERE @dd BETWEEN PL.DateFrom AND PL.DateTo)

    SELECT PolicyID,CustID,ExecOrder

    FROM cte

    WHERE rn = 1

    NOTE: no sql at this machine, so these are not tested.

  • Thanks, SSC/A

    You solutions works, I thought that mine will do the same like in your #1, as it's already JONed in prev step , but not without actual JOIN. I thought I should work without JOIN, and that's I did for simpler cases.

    So those section are not the same, though case b binded OK


    ..where eo.ExecOrder = (select min(ExecOrder) from EO EO2

    JOIN PL ON PL.PolicyID = EO2.PolicyID

    WHERE @dd BETWEEN PL.DateFrom AND PL.DateTo)


    ..where eo.ExecOrder = (select min(ExecOrder) from EO EO2

    WHERE PL.PolicyID = EO2.PolicyID

    AND @dd BETWEEN PL.DateFrom AND PL.DateTo)



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