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March #Meme15 Round-up – Facebook


Logo for meme15Are you ready for the round-up of last week’s #meme15 Facebook question?

In total, there were eight participants in this month’s question.  If I’ve missed anyone, just leave a comment here and I’ll update this post. As a reminder, the #meme15 is dedicated to discussing and sharing tips and tricks for blogging and using social media.  This can be from a personal or professional standpoint.  The intent is that through these posts by myself and others will provide some insight into how to succeed in these areas.

This month’s writing assignment was:

  • How do you balance mixing family, friends, peers, and co-workers on Facebook?

Here we go with all of the posts, in pretty much the order I read them:

Facing Facts About Facebook – Mike Donnelly (Blog | @SQLMD) – Mike discusses how he keeps the Facebook and its network separate from his work/career profiles and online presence.

#Meme15: On Facebook – Jen McCown (Blog | @midnightdba) – Jen only kind of uses Facebook.  She’s much more in-tune with twitter, we should all know that.  To catch-up, Jen also answers the last few months questions in her post.  She also includes a video!

Your mom’s on Facebook – JJ Burnam (Blog | @AmbivalentGeek) – In his post, JJ talks about how he splits himself between the different social platforms – and the fact that his mom is on Facebook.  His presence on Facebook is more of a family version of himself.  If you want the real JJ – you’ll need to follow him on Twitter.

March #Meme15 Assignment – Ed Watson (Blog | @sqlgator) – Ed keeps Facebook as his personal area focusing more on family and friends. It’s mainly a place to share photos and moments in his life where his passions rise.

My Love Hate with Facebook #meme15 – Chris Shaw (Blog | @sqlshaw) – When Chris was considering this question, he came to find out that most of his personal life is quite intermingled with the #sqlfamily.  Let’s be honest, that’s getting more and more common these days.

MEME 15: Facebook – Lauren Elizabeth (Blog | @LSquared83) – In her post, Lauren talks about joining Facebook back in the day when it was just for students.  Since then, she’s spent a lot of time deleting things and less time adding to help guard her privacy.

March #Meme15 – Facebook – Kevin  Conan (Blog | @ConanTheCDN) – Kevin has used Facebook over the year to keep in touch with family and friends.  He’s focuses on keeping it personal so that he doesn’t have to keep it to private.

Meme 15 – Balancing facebook Friends – Sarah Strate (Blog | @DanceM0m) – Sarah goes in and talks about her struggle in keeping her friends list small and with people that she knows.  She struggles with balancing her joy of the #SQLFamily and friend requests from people she barely knows.

March #Meme15 – Facebook – My post.  Go ahead and check it out, I spend talking about who I friend and what I post – and the fact that I post what I am comfortable that my children see.

Take some time and read through what the bloggers here have had to say about facebook. If you aren’t on it yet, it’s definitely time to get in on the fun, and start growing your career.  If you are, take a look to see if there are other ways you can leverage facebook in your career.

Next Month…

What do you want next month’s #meme15 topic to cover?

Related posts:

  1. March #Meme15 – Facebook
  2. March #Meme15 Assignment
  3. January #Meme15 Round-Up


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