replace in xml type

  • hello all.

    I have one xml column in my tables:

    and it's xml:



    <Reminder TimeOut="300" isActive="1" />

    <Recycle RemovePeriodTime="60" />

    <Message RemovePeriodTime="60" />


    <ConsiderNow authorizedCount="" />

    <Considered authorizedCount="" />

    <NotConsidered authorizedCount="" />

    <Reject authorizedCount="" />




    <DocFlowHistoryView default="Graph" />

    <SendService viewInOutbox="1" searchItem="role" searchOption="include" />

    <Theme default="silver" />



    <UserAccountStructure minPassLen="-1" maxPassLen="-1" complexRule="-1" />

    <ChangeAccountInFirstLogin value="-1" />

    <MaxUserAccountAge value="-1" />

    <PasswordExpirationAge value="-1" />



    I need to replace <Theme default="silver" /> with <Theme default="classic" /> and use this script:

    select [SystemProfile].modify('

    replace value of (//SystemProfile/Page/Theme[text()="silver"]/text())[1]

    with "clasic" ')

    from [Users]

    but I have some mistake.please guid me.thanks

  • This code works


    SELECT @x = '



    <Reminder TimeOut="300" isActive="1" />

    <Recycle RemovePeriodTime="60" />

    <Message RemovePeriodTime="60" />


    <ConsiderNow authorizedCount="" />

    <Considered authorizedCount="" />

    <NotConsidered authorizedCount="" />

    <Reject authorizedCount="" />




    <DocFlowHistoryView default="Graph" />

    <SendService viewInOutbox="1" searchItem="role" searchOption="include" />

    <Theme default="silver" />



    <UserAccountStructure minPassLen="-1" maxPassLen="-1" complexRule="-1" />

    <ChangeAccountInFirstLogin value="-1" />

    <MaxUserAccountAge value="-1" />

    <PasswordExpirationAge value="-1" />



    set @x.modify('

    delete (//SystemProfile/Page/Theme)[1]')

    set @x.modify('

    insert ( <Theme default="clasic" />)

    into (/SystemProfile/Page)[1]


    select @x

    I think you should first get the value from the xml type column into a xml variable, update the variable and then make an update for the appropriate row id.



    Igor Micev,My blog:

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