Brent Ozar's SQL Server on VMWare Training Video or a Book?

  • I've noticed that Brent Ozar has a SQL Server VMWare training video (here[/url]) which went on sale, and I was wondering if anyone in the community had a chance to view it, and if so, what did they think of it?

    We have SQL Server setup on VMWare and it has been running fine, but I would like to know more about the subject, and if there is anything I could be doing to get more out of the architecture. Would you recommend going for the training video, or is there any book that covers the subject in more depth that I should be looking into?


    ... Then again, I could be totally wrong! Check the answer.
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    I believe in Codd
    ... and Thinknook is my Chamber of Understanding

  • Hi! Brent here. If you're the kind of person who learns best by reading, I'd check out the book Virtualizing Tier 1 Applications on VMware vSphere. I'm typing this from a restaurant eating a late breakfast, so forgive the lack of link. I'd also check out all of VMware's performance benchmarks using SQL on vSphere - you have to read between the lines to understand why they make some of the performance tweaks, and decide which ones make sense for your environment, but they're great resources for free.

    I did the videos because I heard from a lot of folks that they don't really enjoy reading technical books and just want to cut to the chase with entertaining education. If you like my style of public presentations, the private videos use the same training techniques - and technical books don't take that approach. It's up to you which style you prefer, and I certainly encourage people to consume training in the style that works for them. A lot of folks prefer the 400-600 page technical books like the one I recommended.

  • :blush:

    Thanks for taking the time to answer my post Brent.

    The resources you provided look very interesting. Definitely bookmarked!

    Personally I do enjoy SQL material delivered through video, in fact I tend to subscribe to most of the Pragmatic Works free webinars (here), even if just to have it in the background while getting on with some work, and catching the odd bit here and there. But if you managed to condense all the SQL relevant bits from that 528 pages book into a 3 hours video then honestly its a steal!

    Cheers 🙂


    ... Then again, I could be totally wrong! Check the answer.
    Check out posting guidelines here for faster more precise answers[/url].

    I believe in Codd
    ... and Thinknook is my Chamber of Understanding

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