Need to execute the results of a table automatically, rather than copy/paste/execute

  • I’m creating sql commands using dynamic sql and need the ability to execute the results of the query automatically via a sql job (ie: ALTER DATABASE MyDB SET SINGLE_USER WITH ROLLBACK IMMEDIATE; exec sp_detach_db 'MyDB';).

    I created an SP that inserts the t-sql I need to execute into a temp table, but I would like to execute the results of this temp table via a SQL job.

    I have an app that creates db’s automatically in the wrong directories/drives almost daily and they need moved. So the steps in my weekly job would flow something like this:

    1. Create temp table containing detach statements

    2. Execute all detach commands/records from temp table

    3. Move .mdf and .ldf to correct locations (PowerShell)

    4. Create temp table containing re-attach statements

    5. Execute all re-attach commands/records from temp table

    What would be the best way accomplish step 2? Should I try to do this using CmdExec or powershell from a flat file? Or maybe a different approach? Thanks

  • Have you tried to loop through the table and assign the "query" in the table to a variable, then execute sp_executesql with the variables etc?

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
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  • Agree with Jason above. Usually to do this you build a cursor around your temp table, then wrap it in EXEC( @sql) or an sp_executeSQL item. Fetch until complete.

    Note, I don't usually recommend something this simplistic where the code can be adjusted externally, but it looks like this is self-contained.

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  • Evil Kraig F (2/4/2014)

    Agree with Jason above. Usually to do this you build a cursor around your temp table, then wrap it in EXEC( @sql) or an sp_executeSQL item. Fetch until complete.

    Note, I don't usually recommend something this simplistic where the code can be adjusted externally, but it looks like this is self-contained.

    I have not tried this, but it sounds like a good idea.

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