Report adds a new year's data to the right of the report - way to automate?

  • I have a report that is laid out as such:

    Client | 2003 Fees Billed | 2004 Fees Billed | ... | 2013 Fees Billed | 2014 Fees Billed

    ABC 500 1000 750 250

    XYZ 333 800 243 889

    Currently, I'm running this report manually each month, and capturing any new fees billed to the specific clients. I'd like to automate this report and get me out of doing it each month. I capture the amount billed for the total time period (2003 - 2014) and then break out each year by itself. As we are rolling over to 2014, a new column of data will need to be added. And going forward as 2015 comes around, etc...these will also be new columns added to the right of 2014.

    I'd like to automate this if possible, but I'm not quite sure how to accomplish this. I know I could add the future years to the report now, add code for the years for when data does exist, and only show those future years if data is there. However, that's probably not the most efficient or clean.

    Current SQL Code for the report

    select distinct client, year, ISNULL(sum(fees_billed),0) as fees_billed

    into #a

    from client c

    join whse w on c.client= w.client

    and begdt>=‘1/1/2003’ and enddt<=‘12/31/2013’

    group by client, year

    order by 1, 3

    select distinct client, year, ISNULL(sum(fees_billed),0) as fees_billed

    into #b

    from client c

    join whse w on c.client= w.client

    and begdt>=‘1/1/2003’ and enddt<=‘12/31/2003’

    group by client, year

    order by 1, 3

    select distinct client, year, ISNULL(sum(fees_billed),0) as fees_billed

    into #c

    from client c

    join whse w on c.client= w.client

    and begdt>=‘1/1/2004’ and enddt<=‘12/31/2004’

    group by client, year

    order by 1, 3

    etc....for the following years

    select #a.*, #b.begdt+’03’, ISNULL(#b.fees_billed,0), #c.begdt+’04’, ISNULL(#c.fees_billed,0),

    #d.begdt+’05’, ISNULL(#d.fees_billed,0), #e.begdt+’06’, ISNULL(#e.fees_billed,0), #f.begdt+’07’, ISNULL(#f.fees_billed,0), #g.begdt+’08’, ISNULL(#g.fees_billed,0),

    #h.begdt+’09’, ISNULL(#h.fees_billed,0), #i.begdt+’10’, ISNULL(#i.fees_billed,0), #j.begdt+’11’, ISNULL(#j.fees_billed,0), #k.begdt+’12’, ISNULL(#k.fees_billed,0), #l.begdt+’13’, ISNULL(#l.fees_billed,0)

    from #a

    left outer join #b on #a.client = #b.client and left(#a.begdt,6) = left(#b.begdt,6)

    left outer join #c on #a.client = #c.client and left(#a.begdt,6) = left(#c.begdt,6)

    left outer join #d on #a.client = #d.client and left(#a.begdt,6) = left(#d.begdt,6)

    left outer join #e on #a.client = #e.client and left(#a.begdt,6) = left(#e.begdt,6)

    left outer join #f on #a.client = #f.client and left(#a.begdt,6) = left(#f.begdt,6)

    left outer join #g on #a.client = #g.client and left(#a.begdt,6) = left(#g.begdt,6)

    left outer join #h on #a.client = #h.client and left(#a.begdt,6) = left(#h.begdt,6)

    left outer join #i on #a.client = #i.client and left(#a.begdt,6) = left(#i.begdt,6)

    left outer join #j on #a.client = #j.client and left(#a.begdt,6) = left(#j.begdt,6)

    left outer join #k on #a.client = #k.client and left(#a.begdt,6) = left(#k.begdt,6)

    left outer join #l on #a.client = #l.client and left(#a.begdt,6) = left(#l.begdt,6)

    order by 1

    If anyone has an idea of how to "elegantly program" this, it would be truly appreciated.


  • Your code seems really unefficient and unconsistent. Here's a better option to do it.

    SELECT client,

    SUM( CASE WHEN year = 2003 THEN fees_billed ELSE 0 END) as fees_billed_2003,

    SUM( CASE WHEN year = 2004 THEN fees_billed ELSE 0 END) as fees_billed_2004,

    SUM( CASE WHEN year = 2005 THEN fees_billed ELSE 0 END) as fees_billed_2005,

    --and so on

    SUM( CASE WHEN year = 2013 THEN fees_billed ELSE 0 END) as fees_billed_2013

    FROM client c

    JOIN whse w on c.client= w.client

    --and begdt>=‘1/1/2004’ and enddt<=‘12/31/2013’

    GROUP BY client

    ORDER BY client

    It's still static code but it will go through your table just once. From here, you can make the T-SQL dynamic, but you might still need to change the report front-end.

    To convert the code into dynamic code, read the following articles:

    Luis C.
    General Disclaimer:
    Are you seriously taking the advice and code from someone from the internet without testing it? Do you at least understand it? Or can it easily kill your server?

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help: Option 1 / Option 2
  • The other way to do it is to use a Matrix in SSRS. You could base your report on a stored procedure that accepts the date range you want and you're off to the races.

    Just depends on what you need.

  • pietlinden,

    Thanks for the suggestion on the Matrix report - this was just what I needed.

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