SSRS Bing Maps Proxy Error

  • Hi Guys,

    In Reporting Services (2008 R2), we have recently added some geographic data and have been able to over lay it successfully on a shape so that when it is viewed through the SSRS web site it looks perfect. However, when we try to incorporate a Bing Maps layer the report is drawn but it is unable to bring the map background back and reports error 'The request failed with HTTP status 407: Proxy Authentication Required (The ISA Server requires authorization to fulfill the request. Access to the Web Proxy filter is denied. ).

    The server is setup in an active directory environment and the SQL server, SQL Server reporting Services and the SQL Server Agent all use a domain account. The proxy server is setup to require windows authentication.

    I have tried the followind to remedy but with no success;

    Granted the account using the service access to the internet via a security group in active directory.

    I don't have access to the proxy server but suspect that SSRS is not presenting any domain credentials (which it requires) through to the ISA server and that is why it is failing. Does anybody know if there is a setting somewhere that will ensure that SSRS pushes these credentials through to the proxy?

    Alternatively, i could be wrong (it happens a lot:ermm:) and it is another setting!

    Any help would be appreciated.


  • Great, thanks Anthony! That has certainly got rid of the 407 error and is now presenting me a 403: Forbidden error, I will do some more digging!

  • Just to inform people of the fix, I applied what was in the article posted by Antony but was still getting a 403 error.

    I then ammended the proxy settings in the webconfig file to include the port ie;



    <defaultProxy enabled="true" useDefaultCredentials="true">

    <proxy bypassonlocal="true" proxyaddress="http://<proxysevernamehere>.<domainnamehere>:8080" />




    This has rectified the issue for me and i now have beutiful Bing maps!! :-D:-D:-D

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