SQL Saturday 108 (Redmond, WA) Session Files
Session files are now available for download. The zip file contains the PowerPoint slide deck and demo code.
Zip file: ReplicationMagic.zip (5.2 KB)
- Included files:
- Demo: Initializing replication from a log backup
- InitializeFromLogPub.sql
- InitializeFromLogSub.sql
- Demo: Initializing replication from a filegroup backup using named filegroups
- FGByNameBackup.sql
- FGByNameRestore.sql
- Demo: Initializing replication from a filegroup backup using read-write and read-only filegroups (not demoed during session)
- ReadWriteFGBackup.sql
- ReadWriteFGRestore.sql
- Slidedecks
- PowerPoint 2010: ReplicationMagic.pptx
- PowerPoint 2003-2007: ReadWriteFGRestore.sql