Issue with Sp_executeSql table variable output

  • My requirement is i need to populate @tblAmount dynamically.

    Here is the code

    DECLARE @AdjustmentBatch_ID INT

    DECLARE @Platform VARCHAR(20), @Type INT, @lStr NVARCHAR(1000),@TableName VARCHAR(20),@ColName VARCHAR(20)

    ,@parameters NVARCHAR(30)

    SELECT @Platform = '',@lStr = '',@TableName = '',@ColName = '', @AdjustmentBatch_ID = 15

    --DECLARE @tblAmount TABLE(LegalEntity VARCHAR(10), Amount MONEY )


    SELECT @Type = type,@Platform = Platform FROM dbo.Adjustment_Batch ab(NOLOCK)

    WHERE ab.AdjustmentBatch_ID = @AdjustmentBatch_ID AND ab.Status = 1

    SELECT @TableName = CASE

    WHEN @Type = 1 THEN 'GLEntry'

    WHEN @Type = 2 THEN 'GrossPremium'


    @ColName = CASE

    WHEN @Type = 1 THEN 'BaseAmount'

    WHEN @Type = 2 THEN 'GrossWrittenPremium'


    SELECT @lStr = N'DECLARE @tblAmount TABLE(LegalEntity VARCHAR(10), Amount MONEY );INSERT INTO @tblAmount (LegalEntity, Amount)'+

    'SELECT LegalEntity,SUM(CAST('+ @ColName +' as MONEY)) AS Amount FROM dbo.' + @TableName + ' t(NOLOCK)'+

    'WHERE t.AdjustmentBatch_ID = ' + CAST(@AdjustmentBatch_ID AS VARCHAR(20)) + ' GROUP BY t.LegalEntity '

    PRINT @lStr

    EXEC SP_executeSql @lstr

    ,@parameters = N'@tblAmount(LegalEntity VARCHAR(10), Amount MONEY ) TABLE OUTPUT'


    Error :

    Msg 137, Level 15, State 2, Line 45

    Must declare the scalar variable "@tblAmount".

    I work only to learn Sql Server...though my company pays me for getting their stuff done;-)

  • Hi,

    The last line of your query references @tblAmount but you haven't declared it and given it a type. That's why it's failing.



    MCSE: Data Platform
    MCSE: Business Intelligence
    Follow me on Twitter: @WazzTheBadger
    LinkedIn Profile: Simon Osborne

  • Now i have modified this.

    Please see . its still failing

    DECLARE @AdjustmentBatch_ID INT

    DECLARE @Platform VARCHAR(20), @Type INT, @lStr NVARCHAR(1000),@TableName VARCHAR(20),@ColName VARCHAR(20)

    ,@parameters NVARCHAR(30)

    SELECT @Platform = '',@lStr = '',@TableName = '',@ColName = '', @AdjustmentBatch_ID = 15

    DECLARE @tblAmountOut TABLE(LegalEntity VARCHAR(10), Amount MONEY )


    SELECT @Type = type,@Platform = Platform FROM dbo.Adjustment_Batch ab(NOLOCK)

    WHERE ab.AdjustmentBatch_ID = @AdjustmentBatch_ID AND ab.Status = 1

    SELECT @TableName = CASE

    WHEN @Type = 1 THEN 'GLEntry'

    WHEN @Type = 2 THEN 'GrossPremium'

    WHEN @Type = 3 THEN 'GrossClaim'

    WHEN @Type = 4 THEN 'CededPremium'

    WHEN @Type = 5 THEN 'CededClaim'


    @ColName = CASE

    WHEN @Type = 1 THEN 'BaseAmount'

    WHEN @Type = 2 THEN 'GrossWrittenPremium'

    WHEN @Type = 3 THEN 'IndemnityPaidLoss'

    WHEN @Type = 4 THEN 'CededWrittenPremium'

    WHEN @Type = 5 THEN 'ReinsuaranceIndemnityPaidLoss'


    SELECT @lStr = N'DECLARE @tblAmount TABLE(LegalEntity VARCHAR(10), Amount MONEY );INSERT INTO @tblAmount (LegalEntity, Amount)'+

    'SELECT LegalEntity,SUM(CAST('+ @ColName +' as MONEY)) AS Amount FROM dbo.' + @TableName + ' t(NOLOCK)'+

    'WHERE t.AdjustmentBatch_ID = ' + CAST(@AdjustmentBatch_ID AS VARCHAR(20)) + ' GROUP BY t.LegalEntity '

    PRINT @lStr

    EXEC SP_executeSql @lstr

    ,@parameters = N'@tblAmountOut(LegalEntity VARCHAR(10), Amount MONEY ) TABLE OUTPUT '

    ,@tblAmountOut = @tblAmount OUTPUT

    I work only to learn Sql Server...though my company pays me for getting their stuff done;-)

  • Are you getting the same error? Which table is it complaining about? @tblAmount?


    Kurt W. Zimmerman
    SR DBA
    Lefrak Organization
    New York, NY

  • I don't use SP_executeSQL often... but I'm guessing that if you declare the @tblAmount table in the @parameters variable instead of the SQL string (@lStr) it may work.


    Kurt W. Zimmerman
    SR DBA
    Lefrak Organization
    New York, NY

  • can any body help me to populate table variable using dynamic query a i posted above. i had hard time to resolve this .

    the above dynamic sql get tablename based on type id THEN we need to fetch some data from select query and populate table variable @tblAmount

    I work only to learn Sql Server...though my company pays me for getting their stuff done;-)

  • try to replace the following part in your coding i hope it will work for you .

    SELECT @lStr = N'DECLARE @tblAmount TABLE(LegalEntity VARCHAR(10), Amount MONEY );INSERT INTO @tblAmount (LegalEntity, Amount)'+

    'SELECT LegalEntity,SUM(CAST('+ @ColName +' as MONEY)) AS Amount FROM dbo.' + @TableName + ' t(NOLOCK)'+

    'WHERE t.AdjustmentBatch_ID = ' + CAST(@AdjustmentBatch_ID AS VARCHAR(20)) + '

    GROUP BY t.LegalEntity select * from @tblAmount'

    PRINT @lStr

    EXEC SP_executeSql @lstr

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