SP Output Parameter Issue (across ODBC Connection)

  • Hello,

    I am having an issue retrieving a SP's Output parameters over an ODBC connection (Driver: SQL Server Native Client 10).

    When the SP is not attempting any inserts/deletions or updates, the Output params are returned across the ODBC connection fine. However, as soon as I add in a simple update statement (updating one field in one record), it is suddenly unable to retrieve the Output params.

    I have tried this on other SPs (with different update statements) and the same is happening? HOWEVER, when I capture the ODBC call to the SP in 'SQL Server Profiler' and run in the Management Studio then it returns the Output params fine which is why I am thinking it is an ODBC issue/restriction? All accounts used are SysAdmin so cannot see any permission issues? I have also removed all triggers on the tables being updated incase these were interfering at all?

    Will paste the SP script/call if required, but any pointers first would be greatly appreciated, 🙂

  • 1) centrainly not a good practise to use sysadmin privileges in regular aps.

    (even for testing ! The sooner you encouter a security issue the better !!)

    2) are you getting an ODBC error or just faulty data in the output fields?

    3) can you post the sproc DDL ?


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