Table Partition

  • Hi All,

    I have partitioned VOICE_CALL table, size=130 GB(spill-ted into 10 ndf files) But

    before partition mdf files size 350 GB,

    After partition mdf file size 351 GB.

    10 Ndf files size 99 GB so total database size is 449 GB

    Why mdf file size not decreased ? even-though I was moved data to ndf files ?



  • Moving data to another file (or deleting data) does not shrink the file.

    You need to manually shrink the file to make it smaller, but this can lead to all sort of issues, such as fragmentation for example.

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  • Above database sizes are after shrink only with simple recovery model and

    mdf & ndf files are increased after posting new data into that partitions.

  • What's the used space of each file?

    How did you move the data between partition?

  • Oliiii (7/30/2013)

    What's the used space of each file?

    How did you move the data between partition?

    1.Some ndf files having 20 GB and some ndf files are having 5 GB(based on data)

    2.Just i inserted data into that table, based on partition date ranges it is going relevant partition.

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