Blog Post

February #Meme15 Assignment


Logo for meme15 It’s been a couple months now since a number of us got together to share how we use social networks to enhance our careers and professional development.  These blog posts will be called #meme15.  For more on what people talked about talked about in December and January round-up posts.

Before we get to the assignment for this month, let’s go over a few guidelines for this:

  • Answer the question(s) with as much or as little detail as you wish.  Try to stay true to the heart of the question, but answering where it connects to you.
  • Watch for the new assignment about 8th, or the Monday after the 8th if it falls on a weekend.
  • Post your answer on the 15th, or the Monday after the 15th if it falls on a weekend.
  • Include the #meme15 logo your post (courtesy of Matt Velic (Blog | @mvelic))
  • Comment on the assignment blog post, which seems more reliable, or trackback to it.

#Meme15 Assignment #3

The third writing assignment for #meme15 will be on Linkedin.  The post should answer the following:

  1. Why and how you use LinkedIn?

You’ve got a week, happy writing.

Other SQL Community Memes

If you aren’t already participating, there are already a few going on in the community #TSQLTuesday, #MemeMonday, and Un-SQL Friday.  Watch for those for opportunities to blog without having to come up with your own topic.  Beyond having a easy topic choice, they also provide a window for more people to see what you have to say.

Related posts:

  1. January #Meme15 Assignment
  2. January #Meme15 Round-Up
  3. The #Meme15 On Social Networking


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