December 9, 2013 at 10:27 am
Newbie...I've seen some suggestions on how to display query results for all months even if there is not data.
Ex. Jan 12, 4
Feb 12, 7
Sept 12, 9
Dec 12, 4
what I'd like
Jan 12, 4
Feb 12, 7
Mar 12, 0
April 12, 0
I created a dimDate table and left outer joined with my data table, but is still not populating all months. Any help would be appreciated. Below is a scaled down view of my query. Thank you.
month(da.calendar_dt) as month, da.year,
isnull(sum(p.psioutcome),0) as count
FROM [AnalystsEDSSandbox].[dbo].[dimDate] da
left outer join quality.dbo.fact_patientsafetyindicators p on CAST(p.dischargedatetime AS DATE)= da.calendar_dt
where da.calendar_dt>'2012-01-01'
group by month(da.calendar_dt),da.year
order by year,month(da.calendar_dt)
December 9, 2013 at 10:51 am
I don't have your table structures, but I'd like to present an alternate way. Instead of relying on the data that's there, create a table of months you want to report and then update it from your data table. This will use a tally table to populate a temp table with one row per month going back 13 months from a base date. If you aren't familiar with tally tables yet, check out the article at and take the time to get familiar with them. They will change the way you look at data.
DECLARE @dtmBase datetime = '11/01/2013';
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb.dbo.#tblMonths', 'u') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #tblMonths;
CREATE TABLE #tblMonths (
ID Integer not null identity (1, 1),
Start Datetime not null,
TheCount Integer);
INSERT INTO #tblMonths(Start, TheCount)
SELECT DATEADD(month, -t.N + 1, @dtmBase), 0
FROM Tally1K t
WHERE t.N <= 13
You can then update #tblMonths.TheCount from your data table using the dates in your #tblMonths table. If you have the date field indexed, I expect that it would perform acceptably.
December 9, 2013 at 10:52 am
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