Moving databases to new server. NEED HELP please please

  • Please help me here;

    I have to rebuild the clusters so the plan is i have to move the sql databases to a new temporary server and rebuild these servers from scratch. The system engineer is saying that he will shut down the existing servers and present the storage to new stand alone server. If they do that will the databases still exist and when you connect to instance the databases will pop up or do I still have to restore on new server? will the process damage the databases? Please help me. I need a quick help.

  • If I am understanding you correctly, re-presenting the storage should work, just reattach the databases. Also script out your users beforehand.

    Regardless, have good backups of everything. If all else fails you can recover from backups.

  • I would do the following:

    1. Install SQL on temp server

    2. Configure SQL server to match prod (mail settings, optimize for ad hoc queries, etc.)

    3. Backup and restore databases from prod

    4. Copy all logins from prod

    5. Sync logins and users

    ----- Day of transfer ------

    1. Disable all logins on prod

    2. Disable all logins on temp

    3. Wait for all connections to fall off Prod

    4. Backup and restore final state of databases to temp server

    5. Resync logins

    6. Bring down prod servers

    7. Point applications to new server (either by changing connection strings, renaming servers, or "best" setting up a DNS alias that can be moved around)

    8. Enable logins on temp server

    9. Smoke test

    CE - Microsoft

  • Thank you so much!

  • Can you refer to any good documets to build the cluster?

  • What exactly are you rebuilding? Just the cluster, or both servers and then the cluster?

    CE - Microsoft

  • windows cluster and sql cluster failover

  • Are you reinstalling the OS? Formatting/switching drives? Do you already have a cluster? If so, why are you rebuilding it? I don't mean to be rude, but without a full picture I cannot help you. I get paid to ask questions 🙂 Here, I need you to tell me everything; current setup and config including versions and hardware details. Then why you are going to something else. Solving a problem? Updating software/hardware? Scaling out? Finally, what your new setup will look like. Then I can direct you somewhere to give you a document or tutorial.

    CE - Microsoft

  • hydbadrose (6/11/2013)

    Please help me here;

    I have to rebuild the clusters so the plan is i have to move the sql databases to a new temporary server and rebuild these servers from scratch. The system engineer is saying that he will shut down the existing servers and present the storage to new stand alone server. If they do that will the databases still exist and when you connect to instance the databases will pop up or do I still have to restore on new server? will the process damage the databases? Please help me. I need a quick help.

    No need for any of this, just pull each node from the cluster one at a time and rebuild, then re introduce it to the cluster until all have been rebuilt.

    For each node do

    • remove node for each clustered instance installed to the cluster node
    • re adjust quorum to account for loss of one node vote
    • evict node from cluster
    • rebuild OS
    • re introduce to cluster
    • re install clustered instances as required


    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" 😉

  • Perry Whittle (6/12/2013)

    hydbadrose (6/11/2013)

    Please help me here;

    I have to rebuild the clusters so the plan is i have to move the sql databases to a new temporary server and rebuild these servers from scratch. The system engineer is saying that he will shut down the existing servers and present the storage to new stand alone server. If they do that will the databases still exist and when you connect to instance the databases will pop up or do I still have to restore on new server? will the process damage the databases? Please help me. I need a quick help.

    No need for any of this, just pull each node from the cluster one at a time and rebuild, then re introduce it to the cluster until all have been rebuilt.

    For each node do

    • remove node for each clustered instance installed to the cluster node
    • re adjust quorum to account for loss of one node vote
    • evict node from cluster
    • rebuild OS
    • re introduce to cluster
    • re install clustered instances as required

    And what if the reason for this is to upgrade OS or SQL?

    CE - Microsoft

  • SQLKnowItAll (6/12/2013)

    And what if the reason for this is to upgrade OS

    Highly unlikely don't know of many shops that upgrade to datacenter from enterprise

    SQLKnowItAll (6/12/2013)

    or SQL?

    you don't need to rebuild the cluster to upgrade your sql server instance 😉


    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" 😉

  • Perry Whittle (6/13/2013)

    SQLKnowItAll (6/12/2013)

    And what if the reason for this is to upgrade OS

    Highly unlikely don't know of many shops that upgrade to datacenter from enterprise

    SQLKnowItAll (6/12/2013)

    or SQL?

    you don't need to rebuild the cluster to upgrade your sql server instance 😉

    So you are assuming that they are not upgrading from server 2003 to 2008 or 2012? Or SQL 2008 to 2008 R2? Or some other combination? That is why I asked for more information... I am guessing that there is a reason they are "rebuilding" the cluster. Not simply to just do it, but to upgrade in some way.

    CE - Microsoft

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