Plan in cache

  • Why does the plan remove from cache?I mean what is the cause of removing the plan from cache?

    I thought Update statistics causes it but I ran a query with sp_executesql (parameter query)

    the plan was in cache I checked with this query:

    SELECT ( SELECT query_plan

    FROM sys.dm_exec_query_plan(qs.plan_handle)),est.text,creation_time,last_execution_time

    FROM sys.dm_exec_query_stats qs

    CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(qs.sql_handle) est

    ORDER BY creation_time

    But after

    UPDATE STATISTICS [dbo].[Table]


    the plan was still in cache .

  • As far as im aware the Plans get removed from the Cache when

    1) Stats are updated, thus invalidating existing plans.

    2) the table is altered

    3) Indexes are rebuilt/added/deleted

    4) SQL Instance is restarted


    Plans will be replaced if you use the WITH RECOMPILE on an SP or use hints.

    SSC Guide to Posting and Best Practices

  • I have 2 database.One of them is an archive DB and it is read only.The main db has insert ,update and select statement on it, and also an update statistics job on a table with full scan.

    The problem is that all the query on the archive db is ok and use the optimal plan,but on main db the plan for a query with special parameter is random,one time it is optimal and another time it is a bad plan that causes time out.(parameter sniffing)

    None of the reasons that you mentioned occured,just update stats and it is a job that runs at 2 AM.But some times the plan suddenly changes during the day .

    I also read that "Execution plans remain in the procedure cache as long as there is enough memory to store them.When memory pressure exists, the Database Engine uses a cost-based approach to determine which execution plans to remove from the procedure cache" but why the plan for archive db doesnt change at all?

  • The reason the plan for the Archive DB doesnt change is because its read only, where as the 'live' db will have data being added/removed during the day so it could invalidate the plan that is cached, and the stats could well be out of date on any of the tables in the query.

    A stop gap while you get to the bottom of the issues could be to use the OPTION(RECOMPILE) on the Select statement that casues the problem, to see if it helps, however this is generally a short term option while a more robust solution can be identified.

    Not sure if you've read Gail Shaws 3 part blog on the subject of parameter sniffing but just in case you havent

    SSC Guide to Posting and Best Practices

  • Thanks Jason

    My query is a simple select statement via sp_executesql but linq does not suport option(optimize for unknown) or OPTION(RECOMPILE).

    Is it possible that the plan in cache suddenly removed because of auto update statistics or insufficient memory?

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