Bulk insert not working

  • I am trying to write my first bulk insert without much luck. I have a table with three fields in it. I have set the variable for two of the fields. I am having problems with the third variable clid. I have a table that I can select the information from but when I place it in the bulk insert it fails. How can I get the values from the variable clid into the declared variale @clid?

    DECLARE @clid int,@roleid int,@usrid int

    SET @roleid = 2

    SET @usrid = 316

    -- Get a list of the files to bulk insert with fields for names

    SELECT clid

    FROM rptdata_ahs.dbo.dic_Client

    WHERE compid = 1 or compid = 7 and arch = 0

    ORDER BY compid;

    Start Loop

    OPEN bulk_insert

    FETCH next FROM bulk_insert INTO @clid,@roleid,@usrid

    WHILE @@fetch_status = 0


    INSERT INTO clid

    -- Loop to Next

    FETCH next FROM bulk_insert INTO @clid,@roleid,@usrid -- Next Record


    -- Close Bulk Insert

    CLOSE bulk_insert

    DEALLOCATE bulk_insert

  • After thinking about the issue I decided to go with a regular insert instead of a bulk insert and everything worked out great.

    INSERT INTO dbo.dic_Client_RoleAssign(clid,roleid,usrid)

    SELECT clid,2,316

    FROM rptdata_ahs.dbo.dic_Client

    WHERE compid = 1 or compid = 7 and arch = 0

    ORDER BY compid;

  • I suppose that you went through the right path. I'm not sure why were you using a cursor, but a simple insert is a lot better.

    A bulk insert is used to insert rows to a table from a file and you're inserting rows from a table so a bulk insert won't work for this.

    Luis C.
    General Disclaimer:
    Are you seriously taking the advice and code from someone from the internet without testing it? Do you at least understand it? Or can it easily kill your server?

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help: Option 1 / Option 2

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