#name of instance - either server, server\instance, or server,port
$InstanceName = ".\SQL2008R2"
#The database in which the synonyms that need to be changed reside
$DatabaseWhereSynonymsReside = "DBNAME"
#If the synonym base server needs to be changed - modify this value
$NewBaseServer = $null
#base database in which the synonym needs to point to
$NewBaseDatabase = "NEWDBNAME"
# Load SMO
[System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName('Microsoft.SqlServer.SMO') | Out-Null;
#Connect to the instance specified
$srv = New-Object "Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SMO.Server" $InstanceName;
#set context to the database specified
$database = $srv.Databases["$DatabaseWhereSynonymsReside"]
initialize an blank array to hold the synonyms
if an attempt is made to simply do a foreach over
the synonyms collection, script will fail because
the synonym is dropped within the foreach
$Synonyms = @()
#Add each of the synonyms to the array
$database.Synonyms | %{$Synonyms += $_}
foreach($synonym in $Synonyms)
#Create the new synonym object to be saved to the server
$NewSynonym = New-Object "Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SMO.Synonym"
#These properties must be set before any others can be set
$NewSynonym.Name = $synonym.Name
$NewSynonym.Parent = $database
$NewSynonym.Owner = $synonym.Owner
$NewSynonym.Schema = $synonym.Schema
these are the Base object properties
changing these changes where the synonym will point to
Only currently changes the base database
and possibly the base server if one is provided
uses standard 4 part naming
if($NewBaseServer -ne $null -and $NewBaseServer -ne "")
$NewSynonym.BaseServer = $NewBaseServer
$NewSynonym.BaseServer = $synonym.BaseServer
$NewSynonym.BaseDatabase = $NewBaseDatabase
$NewSynonym.BaseSchema = $synonym.BaseSchema
$NewSynonym.BaseObject = $synonym.BaseObject
initialize an blank array to hold the permissions on the existing synonym
applying permissions to a SQL object requires the ID property to be set
This array stores the permissions so that they persist after the original
synonym has been dropped
$Permissions = @()
#Add the permissions to the array
$synonym.EnumObjectPermissions() | %{$Permissions += $_}
#drop the old synonym from the database
#creates the new synonym in the database
#if this fails, the synonym is gone
#loop over the array that has the permissions in it
foreach($Permission in $Permissions)
#create a new objectpermissionset object for the specified type of this permission
$PermissionSet = new-object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.ObjectPermissionSet($Permission.PermissionType)
SMO permissions cannot easily be applied dynamically
due to the fact that the methods used are explicitly
"grant", "deny", and "revoke".
The switch below determines which the old permission was
and replicates that onto the new synonym
$NewSynonym.Grant($PermissionSet, $Permission.Grantee, $false)
$NewSynonym.Grant($PermissionSet, $Permission.Grantee, $true)
$NewSynonym.Deny($PermissionSet, $Permission.Grantee)
#persist the permission change to the database object
Book Review: Big Red - Voyage of a Trident Submarine
I've grown up reading Tom Clancy and probably most of you have at least seen Red October, so this book caught my eye when browsing used books for a recent trip. It's a fairly human look at what's involved in sailing on a Trident missile submarine...
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