• Please, I have installed SQL SERVER 2008 R2 Standard Edition English Language. The Collation of the server is : French_CI_AS. I have restored my database. The collation of my database is SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS. I have observed that all the dates are treated with the format MM/DD/YYYY. And this format is not compatible with my application Software. For example, when i want to visualize the report of March ( from '01/03/2013' To '31/03/2013') the application send me this error “The conversion of a varchar data type to a datetime data type resulted in an out-of-range value.” Another example, When i execute this query in the query analyzer "Update Cloture_Chiffre set Date_cloture='28/02/2013'" I receive the same error message. I did not have this error when the application Software was running on sql server 2008 R2 FRENCH EDITION. Please what can i do to change this situation so that sql server will treat all the dates with the format DD/MM/YYYY; so that this command "Update Cloture_Chiffre set Date_cloture='28/02/2013'" (28 FEBRUARY 2013) could work.

    Thanks a lot in advance.

  • Maybe give SET DATEFORMAT a try:

  • It's a solution I needed.

    Thank you very much

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