Showing decimals in a select statement

  • I am trying to display decimal places in a select statement and am not having much luck. Here is a simplified example of what i am trying to do:

    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#Example') IS NOT NULL

    DROP TABLE #Example

    CREATE TABLE #Example


    Dept char(10),

    Numerator int,

    Denominator int


    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#Temp') IS NOT NULL

    DROP TABLE #Temp

    INSERT INTO #Example values('Dept1', 330, 449)

    INSERT INTO #Example values('Dept2', 47, 63)

    Select e.Dept, e.Numerator, e.Denominator

    ,(CASE WHEN e.Denominator=0 THEN 0

    ELSE e.Numerator/e.Denominator END) as Rate

    ,(CASE WHEN e.Denominator=0 THEN 0

    ELSE 100*e.Numerator/e.Denominator END) as Rate2

    ,cast((e.numerator)/e.Denominator as decimal (9,4)) as N3

    into #Temp

    from #Example E

    select * from #Temp

    When I run it I get the following futile attempts:

    Dept Numerator Denominator Rate Rate2 N3

    Dept1 330 449 0 73 0.0000

    Dept2 47 63 0 74 0.0000

    What I would like to get to is this:

    Dept Numerator Denominator Rate

    Dept1 330 449 0.7349

    Dept2 47 63 0.7460

    Any help would be appreciated.


  • Try this:

    Select e.Dept, e.Numerator, e.Denominator

    ,(CASE WHEN e.Denominator=0 THEN 0

    ELSE e.Numerator/(e.Denominator * 1.00)

    END) as Rate

    ,(CASE WHEN e.Denominator=0 THEN 0

    ELSE 100*e.Numerator/(e.Denominator * 1.00)

    END) as Rate2

    ,cast((e.numerator)/(e.Denominator * 1.00) as decimal (9,4)) as N3

    from #Example E

  • Thanks for your response. I tried your suggestion on my example and that works but for some reason it is not working on the data I am pulling from the table.

  • Nevermind, I moved the calculation to the front (i.e. 1.00*...) and that worked. Thanks!

  • Are u using the same idea that im used on your example? Just multiply denominator with 1.00 (this triggers implicit conversion) and there by u ll get decimal places..

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