Query Result in Email?

  • Hi.

    I have created database mail profile account with SMTP also email realy working.. Could you help me as below Query Result comes to Email?

    Select A.MACHINE, A.Instance, B.InstanceA, (B.InstanceA-A.Instance) as Diff from

    (select MACHINE, COUNT(*) as Instance from PROD.dbo.CM_INSTANCE group by MACHINE) A,

    (Select COUNT(*)/4 as InstanceA from PROD.dbo.CM_INSTANCE) B

    where (B.InstanceA-A.Instance) < -3 or (B.InstanceA-A.Instance) > 3









  • The below code working fine... I want send mail when difference data apperaing.. output like below, if Difference data = 0 don't want send mail.


    Instance -23

    InstanceA -19

    Diff -4

    EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail @profile_name='db_mail',


    @subject='Alert Instance',

    @query= 'Select A.MACHINE, A.Instance, B.InstanceA, (B.InstanceA-A.Instance) as Diff from (select MACHINE, COUNT(*) as Instance from PROD.dbo.CM_INSTANCE group by MACHINE) A,(Select COUNT(*)/4 as InstanceA from PROD.dbo.CM_INSTANCE) B where (B.InstanceA-A.Instance) < -3 or (B.InstanceA-A.Instance) > 3'

  • could anyone suggestion me as below coding condition matching or not? if diff value = 0

    if NOT EXISTS (Select A.MACHINE, A.Instance, B.InstanceA,

    (B.InstanceA-A.Instance) as Diff from (select MACHINE, COUNT(*)

    as Instance from PROD.dbo.CM_INSTANCE group by MACHINE) A,

    (Select COUNT(*)/4 as InstanceA from PROD.dbo.CM_INSTANCE) B

    where (B.InstanceA-A.Instance) < -3 or (B.InstanceA-A.Instance) > 3)


    EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail @profile_name='db_mail',


    @subject='Alert!-Verify LIMS Instance',

    @query= 'Select A.MACHINE, A.Instance, B.InstanceA,

    (B.InstanceA-A.Instance) as Diff from (select MACHINE, COUNT(*)

    as Instance from PROD.dbo.CM_INSTANCE group by MACHINE) A,

    (Select COUNT(*)/4 as InstanceA from PROD.dbo.CM_INSTANCE) B

    where (B.InstanceA-A.Instance) < -3 or (B.InstanceA-A.Instance) > 3'


  • You need to change the IF NOT EXISTS to IF EXISTS.

    In the above query you check if results does not exists. If this is true (no results) you want to send and e-mail with the results of the same query (returning no results).

    ** Don't mistake the ‘stupidity of the crowd’ for the ‘wisdom of the group’! **
  • Thanks for reply..

    I want send email the same query result.. But I don't want send mail if Diff value=0

  • If you apply the change I suggested, you won't be sending an e-mail when DIFF = 0. In the query you check if the DIFF is smaller then -3 or larger then 3. Hence the DIFF has to be unequal to 0 to comply to these filters. If DIFF equals to 0 then it won't comply to the filters in the query and this will result in the IF EXISTS clause to be false.

    ** Don't mistake the ‘stupidity of the crowd’ for the ‘wisdom of the group’! **
  • Ok. understand...

    I changed EXISTS instead of NOT EXISTS..Mail not received because no rows selected that Query currently..

    I have configured in SQL Jobs and run it every 5 mints then wait and monitor if mail received or not if rows selected.

  • Email not received from database even rows available as below query.. could suggestion me, what could be worng as below coding..I want receive email when rows available if no rows selected don't want send mail..

    if EXISTS (Select A.MACHINE, A.Instance, B.InstanceA,

    (B.InstanceA-A.Instance) as Diff from (select MACHINE, COUNT(*)

    as Instance from PROD.dbo.CM_INSTANCE group by MACHINE) A,

    (Select COUNT(*)/4 as InstanceA from PROD.dbo.CM_INSTANCE) B

    where (B.InstanceA-A.Instance) < -3 or (B.InstanceA-A.Instance) > 3)


    EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail @profile_name='db_mail',


    @subject='Alert!-Verify Instance',

    @query= 'Select A.MACHINE, A.Instance, B.InstanceA,

    (B.InstanceA-A.Instance) as Diff from (select MACHINE, COUNT(*)

    as Instance from PROD.dbo.CM_INSTANCE group by MACHINE) A,

    (Select COUNT(*)/4 as InstanceA from PROD.dbo.CM_INSTANCE) B

    where (B.InstanceA-A.Instance) < -3 or (B.InstanceA-A.Instance) > 3'


  • Execute the query below to get a list of all e-mails sent by the instance over the past 7 days. Look specific at the results in the "sent_status", "event_type" and "description" columns.

    -- show a list of all mail-items



    , sent_status

    , recipients

    , subject, body

    , send_request_date

    , sysmail_event_log.event_type

    , sysmail_event_log.description

    FROM msdb.dbo.sysmail_allitems

    LEFT OUTER JOIN msdb.dbo.sysmail_event_log

    ON sysmail_allitems.mailitem_id = sysmail_event_log.mailitem_id

    where send_request_date > dateadd(dd, -7, getdate())

    order by

    send_request_date desc

    ** Don't mistake the ‘stupidity of the crowd’ for the ‘wisdom of the group’! **
  • Do you recieve an e-mail if you execute the code below? I have taken the original code and removed the IF statement (so it will always execute sp_send_dbmail) and removed the WHERE filter of the query-statement (so it will return results).

    EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail @profile_name='db_mail',


    @subject='Alert!-Verify Instance',

    @query= 'Select A.MACHINE, A.Instance, B.InstanceA,

    (B.InstanceA-A.Instance) as Diff from (select MACHINE, COUNT(*)

    as Instance from PROD.dbo.CM_INSTANCE group by MACHINE) A,

    (Select COUNT(*)/4 as InstanceA from PROD.dbo.CM_INSTANCE) B '

    ** Don't mistake the ‘stupidity of the crowd’ for the ‘wisdom of the group’! **
  • Email notifications working fine and there is no issues..also without if condition that script is working and received email alert from database..

    I received lot of mail wheather rows selected or no rows selected that query...I want receive mail only rows selection, if no rows don't want receive mail...

  • ananda.murugesan (9/6/2013)

    Email not received from database even rows available as below query..

    ananda.murugesan (9/6/2013)

    I received lot of mail wheather rows selected or no rows selected that query...

    Above you have conflicting posts. This will make it hard to understand your problem and very difficult give you a good solution.

    If you recieve too many e-mail then you have to look at the query inside the IF statement. Will this produce the results you expect for all different scenarios? Try to simulate this in a test-environment. Adjust the query if it needs modification. Copy/paste the final query as @query parameter if the query is working fine and the results are as expected.

    If you need further help on this query you have to provide us with sample data that covers all situations.

    ** Don't mistake the ‘stupidity of the crowd’ for the ‘wisdom of the group’! **
  • It's realy hard to understand what you are after here is it the 'Diff' can not be zero to send email or if number of rows returned is not zero then send email?

    This is just my problem with doing sub queries, so I broke it down to se what is going on.

    select MACHINE, COUNT(*) as Instance

    into #tableA

    from PROD.dbo.CM_INSTANCE

    group by MACHINE

    Select COUNT(*)/4 as InstanceA

    into #tableB

    from PROD.dbo.CM_INSTANCE

    Select A.MACHINE, A.Instance, B.InstanceA,

    (B.InstanceA-A.Instance) as Diff

    into #results

    from #tableA A,

    #tableB B

    where (B.InstanceA-A.Instance) < -3 or (B.InstanceA-A.Instance) > 3

    -- If you are you trying to see if the 'Diff' is not zero to send email

    If ((select Diff from #results) <> 0)




    -- If you are wanting the number of records to not be zero

    If ((select count(*) from #results) <> 0)




    we travel not to escape life but for life not to escape us
    Don't fear failure, fear regret.

  • Thanks for reply.. I have changed the script for email notification as below and sending email number of records not to be zero

    select MACHINE, COUNT(*) as Instance

    into #tableA

    from PROD.dbo.CM_INSTANCE

    group by MACHINE

    Select COUNT(*)/4 as InstanceA

    into #tableB

    from PROD.dbo.CM_INSTANCE

    Select A.MACHINE, A.Instance, B.InstanceA,

    (B.InstanceA-A.Instance) as Diff

    into #results

    from #tableA A,

    #tableB B

    where (B.InstanceA-A.Instance) < -3 or (B.InstanceA-A.Instance) > 3

    -- If you are wanting the number of records to not be zero

    If ((select count(*) from #results) <> 0)


    EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail @profile_name='db_mail',


    @subject='Alert!-Verify Instance',

    @query='select * from #results'


    drop table #tableA

    drop table #tableB

    drop table #results

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