Pulling most recent records using partition by

  • Hi,

    I am trying to pull the most recent records for each department using the "partition by" clause.

    The number of records that I want can vary so I have created a table that specifies the number of records desired for each department.

    Here is an example of the code that I have written:

    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#RecsToPull') IS NOT NULL

    DROP TABLE #RecsToPull

    CREATE TABLE #RecsToPull


    DeptAbbr char(10),

    CasePulls int


    INSERT INTO #RecsToPull values('A', 1)

    INSERT INTO #RecsToPull values('B', 2)

    INSERT INTO #RecsToPull values('C', 3)

    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#DeptPurchases') IS NOT NULL

    DROP TABLE #DeptPurchases

    CREATE TABLE #DeptPurchases


    DeptNo char(10),

    PurchaseDt date


    INSERT INTO #DeptPurchases values('A', '01/1/2011')

    INSERT INTO #DeptPurchases values('A', '02/1/2011')

    INSERT INTO #DeptPurchases values('A', '03/1/2011')

    INSERT INTO #DeptPurchases values('A', '01/2/2011')

    INSERT INTO #DeptPurchases values('A', '02/28/2011')

    INSERT INTO #DeptPurchases values('B', '01/1/2011')

    INSERT INTO #DeptPurchases values('B', '02/1/2011')

    INSERT INTO #DeptPurchases values('B', '03/1/2011')

    INSERT INTO #DeptPurchases values('B', '01/2/2011')

    INSERT INTO #DeptPurchases values('B', '02/28/2011')

    INSERT INTO #DeptPurchases values('C', '01/1/2011')

    INSERT INTO #DeptPurchases values('C', '02/1/2011')

    INSERT INTO #DeptPurchases values('C', '03/1/2011')

    INSERT INTO #DeptPurchases values('C', '01/2/2011')

    INSERT INTO #DeptPurchases values('C', '02/28/2011')

    --Select * from #RecsToPull

    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#Temp2') IS NOT NULL

    DROP TABLE #Temp2

    select DeptNo

    , PurchaseDt

    , ROW_NUMBER ()


    ORDER BY DeptNo ) AS counter

    INTO #Temp2

    from #DeptPurchases as dp

    ORDER BY DeptNo

    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#Temp3') IS NOT NULL

    DROP TABLE #Temp3

    select Counter, DeptNo, PurchaseDt

    INTO #Temp3

    from #Temp2 as Output

    join #RecsToPull as MRecs

    on Output.DeptNo=MRecs.DeptAbbr

    where Output.counter<=CasePulls

    order by [PurchaseDt] desc

    select DeptNo


    from #Temp3

    ORDER BY DeptNo,[PurchaseDt] desc

    It runs fine, it's just that I don't Know how to get it go give me the most recent records.

    The current results are:


    A 2011-01-01

    B 2011-02-01

    B 2011-01-01

    C 2011-03-01

    C 2011-02-01

    C 2011-01-01

    Buit what I am hoping to get is:


    A 2011-03-01

    B 2011-03-01

    B 2011-02-28

    C 2011-03-01

    C 2011-02-28

    C 2011-02-01

    Is this possible to do or is there another way I should be approaching it?


  • How about the following:

    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#RecsToPull') IS NOT NULL

    DROP TABLE #RecsToPull;

    CREATE TABLE #RecsToPull


    DeptAbbr char(10),

    CasePulls int


    INSERT INTO #RecsToPull values('A', 1);

    INSERT INTO #RecsToPull values('B', 2);

    INSERT INTO #RecsToPull values('C', 3);

    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#DeptPurchases') IS NOT NULL

    DROP TABLE #DeptPurchases ;

    CREATE TABLE #DeptPurchases


    DeptNo char(10),

    PurchaseDt date


    INSERT INTO #DeptPurchases values('A', '01/1/2011');

    INSERT INTO #DeptPurchases values('A', '02/1/2011');

    INSERT INTO #DeptPurchases values('A', '03/1/2011');

    INSERT INTO #DeptPurchases values('A', '01/2/2011');

    INSERT INTO #DeptPurchases values('A', '02/28/2011');

    INSERT INTO #DeptPurchases values('B', '01/1/2011');

    INSERT INTO #DeptPurchases values('B', '02/1/2011');

    INSERT INTO #DeptPurchases values('B', '03/1/2011');

    INSERT INTO #DeptPurchases values('B', '01/2/2011');

    INSERT INTO #DeptPurchases values('B', '02/28/2011');

    INSERT INTO #DeptPurchases values('C', '01/1/2011');

    INSERT INTO #DeptPurchases values('C', '02/1/2011');

    INSERT INTO #DeptPurchases values('C', '03/1/2011');

    INSERT INTO #DeptPurchases values('C', '01/2/2011');

    INSERT INTO #DeptPurchases values('C', '02/28/2011');


    with BaseData as (




    row_number() over (partition by DeptNo order by PurchaseDt desc) rn








    BaseData bd

    inner join #RecsToPull rtp

    on (bd.DeptNo = rtp.DeptAbbr

    and bd.rn <= rtp.CasePulls)

    order by


    bd.PurchaseDt desc;

  • That's it! Thanks so much.

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