August 6, 2013 at 1:50 pm
I'm trying to modify an existing stored proc. This seems like of like a weird way to do it, but based on input parameters they are basically constructing a script string in the stored proc and then running it.
if @Interval = 'Monthly'
set @groupclause = ' Group by MONTH(ContractDate), YEAR(ContractDate) '
set @sql = 'select (CAST(MONTH(ContractDate) as varchar(2)) + CAST(YEAR(ContractDate) as varchar(4))) as Date_Marker, ROUND(sum(' + @field + '),2) ' + @fieldname + ' ' + ' From Reporting.dbo.PrgSum '
set @orderclause = ' ORDER BY YEAR(ContractDate), MONTH(ContractDate)'
declare @bigquery nvarchar(max)=@sql+@whereclause+@groupclause+@orderclause
exec sp_executesql @bigquery
I'm trying to figure out how to insert a "/" between the Month and Year values:
[Code]set @sql = 'select (CAST(MONTH(ContractDate) as varchar(2)) + CAST(YEAR(ContractDate) as varchar(4))) as Date_Marker, ROUND(sum(' + @field + '),2) ' + @fieldname + ' ' +
' From Reporting.dbo.PrgSum 'r[/CODE]
August 6, 2013 at 2:05 pm
First, I'm giving you the solution as you pictured it, but also another one that might be more effective. It's up to you to choose.
set @sql = 'select (CAST(MONTH(ContractDate) as varchar(2)) + ''/'' + CAST(YEAR(ContractDate) as varchar(4))) as Date_Marker, '
set @sql = 'select SUBSTRING( CONVERT( char(10), GETDATE(), 103), 4, 7) as Date_Marker, '
August 6, 2013 at 2:23 pm
Thanks guys!
August 6, 2013 at 2:46 pm
Sean Grebey (8/6/2013)
I'm trying to modify an existing stored proc. This seems like of like a weird way to do it, but based on input parameters they are basically constructing a script string in the stored proc and then running it.
if @Interval = 'Monthly'
set @groupclause = ' Group by MONTH(ContractDate), YEAR(ContractDate) '
set @sql = 'select (CAST(MONTH(ContractDate) as varchar(2)) + CAST(YEAR(ContractDate) as varchar(4))) as Date_Marker, ROUND(sum(' + @field + '),2) ' + @fieldname + ' ' + ' From Reporting.dbo.PrgSum '
set @orderclause = ' ORDER BY YEAR(ContractDate), MONTH(ContractDate)'
declare @bigquery nvarchar(max)=@sql+@whereclause+@groupclause+@orderclause
exec sp_executesql @bigquery
I'm trying to figure out how to insert a "/" between the Month and Year values:
[Code]set @sql = 'select (CAST(MONTH(ContractDate) as varchar(2)) + CAST(YEAR(ContractDate) as varchar(4))) as Date_Marker, ROUND(sum(' + @field + '),2) ' + @fieldname + ' ' +
' From Reporting.dbo.PrgSum 'r[/CODE]
You also should change up this dynamic sql so that it is parameterized. The proc as you posted is vulnerable to sql injection.
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