August 4, 2013 at 9:03 pm
Scenario is that i have created system variable for storing xml config file called config.dtsconfig on my test network. Environment variable name is ssis and path is:
ssis ==> d:/packages/config/config.dtsconfig
I build the file henced the manifest file got created. Till this point everything was working fine on test network.
i copied the manifest file to the prod server and did sqlserver deployment. Created environment variable SSIS and pointed to e:/config.dtsconfig and made changes in the datasource . now when i am running the packages from MSDB i am getting error " Not able to acquire the connection manager". I earlier copied the config file also to the E: drive and then made the environment variable of prod server talk to this file.
Can you please guide me as to where i am going wrong?
Rahul Sahay
August 4, 2013 at 10:15 pm
My first thought is that the environment variable is not known to the process that is attempting to run the package (e.g. SQL Server Agent) - probably because the environment variables are setup when the process starts and you created a new environment variable some time after that.
Try re-starting SQL Agent (assuming that you are using SQL Agent to run the package)
August 5, 2013 at 10:16 am
Thanks for the reply.....but it is not working after restarting the services...
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