Tricky Merge Row Question

  • Hi all SQL gurus...

    I need help in creating a query without any funtion to do merge owner's names from multiple row for a property, however when it has the same surname, then it should only show the surname once.

    as the table is quite big, I think it's best to use result set instead of running function for each property to get the owner's name.

    I've used the for xml path to join it, but doesn't remove the multiple username.

    e.g. "Mr TK Wicki & Mrs NE Wicki" instead of "Mr TK & Mrs NE Wicki"

    Sample data as below:

    declare @temp table (propkey varchar(15), Title varchar(10), Initial varchar(10), Surname varchar(50))

    insert into @temp (propkey, title, initial, surname)

    values ('298213','Mr','M','McArthur'),













    select * from @temp

    Results needed:

    '298213','Mr M & Mrs D McArthur'

    '301869','Mr TK & Mrs NE Wicki'

    '309048','Mr RG & Mr DJ Thompson & Ms CJ & Ms AJ Cain '

    '357308','Mr JD & Mrs PG & Ms ML Homer'

    '378699','Mr VB & Mrs KV Prince'

  • Hi, I've found the solution using multiple WITH. I'm not sure if this is the most efficient one, but so far, it's running quite well.

    I'm still open for suggestion for improvements... cheers...

    use pccsde


    declare @temp table (propkey varchar(15), Title varchar(10), Initial varchar(10), Surname varchar(50))

    insert into @temp (propkey, title, initial, surname)

    values ('298213','Mr','M','McArthur'),














    ;with prefnameDouble as (

    select propkey, surname--, count(1) dCount

    from @temp

    group by propkey, surname

    having count(1) > 1


    , prefnameJoined as (

    select distinct so.propkey

    ,PreferedName = REPLACE(


    --(SELECT ' '+char(38)+' ' + ISNULL(ltrim(rtrim([title])) + ' ' + ltrim(rtrim(ISNULL([initial],''))) + ' ' + ltrim(rtrim(ISNULL([surname],''))), 'test')

    (SELECT ' '+char(38)+' ' + ISNULL(ltrim(rtrim([title])) + ' ' + ltrim(rtrim(ISNULL([initial],''))) , 'test')

    FROM @temp s

    WHERE s.propkey = so.propkey and s.surname = so.surname

    --ORDER BY s.Name

    FOR XML PATH('')),7,200000))

    ,' &', ' &')

    + ' ' + coalesce(so2.surname, so.surname)

    from @temp so

    left join prefnameDouble so2 on so.propkey = so2.propkey and so.surname = so2.surname


    select distinct


    ,PreferedName = REPLACE(


    (SELECT ' '+char(38)+' ' + ISNULL([PreferedName], 'test')

    FROM prefnameJoined s

    WHERE s.propkey = so.propkey --and s.tpklpaaddr = so.tpklpaaddr

    --ORDER BY s.Name

    FOR XML PATH('')),7,200000))

    ,' &', ' &')

    from @temp so

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