February 27, 2013 at 12:28 pm
i have below tables
1) student (sno,name,subject,cost,city),
2) studentPT (sno,Ptname,EnrollDate)
3) StudentDrill (Sno, DrillName,EnrollDate)
now the requirement is want to display sno,name,cost,PTCol (if record exist(based on sno) in studentPt table then 'Yes' + EnrollDate otherwise 'Not Enrolled'), DrillCol (if record exist(based on sno) in studentDrill table then 'Yes' + EnrollDate otherwise 'Not Enrolled')
how can i display those last two columsn based on rules
please kindly help me
Thank you Very Much in Advance
February 27, 2013 at 12:37 pm
Look at using LEFT OUTER JOINS and either ISNULL (SQL Server specific) or COALESCE (ANSI Standard).
February 27, 2013 at 12:54 pm
hi lynn,
i tried this way, am i doing correct , please correct me, is the case statement logic is good? or do i need to check some otherway
please help me, it has to be run in optimized way,, so please suggest me i fi am doing anything wrong
(Case when noMail.enroldate IS NULL then 'N' else 'Y' + CAST( noMail.enrollDate as varchar(20) ) end) as PTCol,
(Case when Mail.enroldate IS NULL then 'N' else 'Y' + CAST( Mail.enrollDate as varchar(20) ) end) as DrillCol,
from dbo.student t left join dbo.studentPT noMail on t.sno = noMail.sno
left join dbo.studentDrill Mail on t.sno = Mail.sno
February 27, 2013 at 9:02 pm
Cool, that's correct. Also, make it a practice to check out execution plans of all queries that you write, if you don't do that already (Ctrl + M).
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